War is Necessary

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"Y/N," Ophis says as she enters my room. "It appears that your friends have finally recovered from the fight with Kaguya. You should be proud of them Y/N, she was quite a tough one for them to take on." She sits down next to me. "Vali didn't stay with them though. He really wants you back Y/N." I get a smirk on my face.

"That sounds like him. Hopefully, when this is over he won't hate me too much." Ophis puts a hand on my lap.

"You shouldn't worry about that Y/N. You heard him the other day when they were fighting, everything will be okay. Who do you think they should fight next?"

"Two of them I want to fight on my own, so by process of elimination that should let you know who it is. Send someone with him though, that way I can show my family that I am indeed still here." Ophis smiles and stands up, kissing me on the forehead.

"Okay, my sweet Renegade. Your wish is my command." She leaves the room but as she does Cao Cao bursts in.

"I need to talk to you about something Y/N." I go to join him and the two of us start walking around the base. "Listen, I won't beat around the bush with you. Once everything is done I'm not sure where that's going to leave the Hero Faction with the Faction Alliance. They've relied on you as a way to intimidate anyone who would try to take on the factions, not to mention the leaders of each of them are still rather strong on their own accord. Don't get me wrong, I think I could take on Sirzechs or Azazel in a fight, but against you or Vali it's a different story. When we first fought back in Kyoto I was very impressed with you, not just in your battle abilities, but the way that you rally people around you."

"What's your point?" He scoffs at me.

"I'm saying that once Ophis is back in the Dimensional Gap we would like to join the factions. We're going to prove to the factions that humans can both help them and compete with them. If you were with us when we made our case to join them, then I have no doubt that they would accept." He stops walking and extends his hand to me. "So, what do you say Y/N?" I take his hand.

"I'm in Cao Cao. I'd much rather have you as an ally than an enemy. Besides, having you and your team around would do wonders for me and mine, not to mention anyone else that would benefit from having you around. Come to think of it, I already know one person who I'm willing to bet would be willing to train with you." My mind jumps over to Saji. Since Vali joined our side he's the best training partner I've gotten, and while it has helped me out exponentially having my rival around, Saji has ended up falling behind. If he had someone like Cao Cao around I'm willing to bet he would want to train with him to get stronger. Ophis also won't need Cao Cao to cause any issues with the factions so he'll be a free agent in terms of where his loyalty lies.

"I'm glad to hear it, thank you Y/N. I'll let my team know."

3rd Person POV

"So Y/N has been heard from." Azazel strokes his beard as he sits down with Sirzechs and Zeus.

"That's what Ace said," the fallen angel tells Lucifer. "The leader of the Youkai in Kyoto had a conversation with him and when she went to tell Rias and the others the only one there was Ace."

"This Ace you speak of, I haven't heard a damn thing about him doing anything to help solve his own problem." 

"It's not that simple," Azazel tells the God of Thunder. "He's been training the peerages of both Rias Gremory and Y/N Lucifer, so while he may not be entering these battles himself, he's giving the kids the edge they need to handle not only these threats but any that will come afterward."

"Whatever you say," Zeus responds. "Tell me, the fallen angel fiancee of Y/N, she uses lightning doesn't she?"

"You've got an interest in her don't you Lord Zeus?" Zeus gets a sly smile on his face.

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