The Guillotine

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A Couple Days Later

"Red Dragon Emperor!" I fly towards where the voice is coming from and see a rather large building with a sturdy double door. The voice sounded like it came from higher up though I don't see any windows on the building at all, so I bash through the door. Looking around I see a few guards and they all start rushing my way, making it easy for me to take each of them down with a single hit.

"This goes out to you, and you, and you, and you."

(A/N: A ton of people got the last one I did way back when so let's see who gets this one.)

The voice from earlier screams out again and I know I'm getting closer. At the end of the room I see a set of stairs and start making my way up, though the further up the stairs I hear a deep voice booming.

"Stop that intruder!" The sound of footsteps start rattling my way in what sounds like a stampede and I know that I won't be able to get around them considering how narrow of a staircase we're in. If I can't evade them or get past them then I'll just have to fight them.

"Welsh Dragonic Rook!" My armor bulks up and I prepare to face the group coming my way, and as I round another corner I see a group of about ten people standing in my way.

"This ends here Red Dragon!"

"For you it may, but I'm not done yet." Two of the attackers ready some magic but I take their attacks with ease before jumping at the group of them. Each of them goes down with relative ease and I ascend the rest of the staircase, bursting through a door at the top and seeing two people, a man and a woman.

"Red Dragon Emperor!" The woman is chained up and the man turns to face me.

"So you've come to save her," he says to me. "It's fruitless, you can't possibly defeat me."

"I suppose we'll just have to see won't we?" The man readies his own magic, black and red in color, and I change forms to face him.

"Welsh Sonic Boost Knight!" The extra armor fades and my speed increases, though my opponent doesn't seem very interested.

"It doesn't matter what form you take, the Red Dragon Emperor is no match for me!" His magic is thrown my way and it hurts a bit, but it's nothing I can't handle. While having the extra armor from my Rook form would be nice I can't take my time in this fight. I dash towards my opponent and hit him with a quick jab in the gut, causing blood to be drawn. He smirks at me and uses his magic again, this time using it to push me away from him. I dash towards him again but use my fist as a fake before bringing my leg up and kicking him in the side of the head. He falls to his knees and I pick him up, throwing him away from the girl.

"I'm here to save this girl, and that's exactly what I'm going to do." I look back to the girl and destroy the chains holding her up. Once they're undone she puts her arms around me.

"You saved me Red Dragon Emperor!" She lets me go and lifts one of my hands up.

"And cut!" I let my Balance Breaker fade and look back to the girl.

"You did great Y/N!"

"I don't know Serafall, this acting thing is super strange to me. I got to fight how I wanted but it's strange having someone write out everything that I have to do. It's something that I definitely couldn't get used to." We look back to the other side of the room. "I hope I didn't hurt you too badly Sirzechs."

"Not at all, that was amazing." The three of us head back to where the dressing rooms are, even though the only outfit I needed was my Balance Breaker. "I knew you had gotten much stronger since before you had gone to Kyoto, but your hits did more than I expected." We get back to the dressing rooms and I see Rias waiting for me alongside Millicas and Venelana. They had known that Serafall wanted to get me on her show for the longest time, and this was the first chance that I got. Not only did this help her out with her ratings but it also gave a lot more attention to the upcoming Rating Game between us and Sairaorg.

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