Come & Go

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Rias POV

Once in the baths, I look over to Akeno who is sitting right next to me. 

"That was weird don't you think?"

"What do you mean?" She looks at me confused and I can tell she isn't entirely sure what I'm hinting at.

"I'm talking about Y/N. It just seemed out of character for him. Knowing how he is I'm surprised he was worried about how Koneko felt." Akeno laughs at my statement. "What's so funny?"

"You're so naive Rias. Of course he cares about how she feels, he's that way with all of us. He's had to grow a lot in a short amount of time, and he has people he cares about now. Before people were just items to him. He couldn't find comfort in people because it isn't what he knew. He feels like if he gets too close to people he will get hurt like before, but he's started to realize that we aren't going to hurt him."

"What are you trying to say Akeno?" She sighs in annoyance.

"I'm saying he feels safe now. Why do you think he's willing to do all of these things for us? Because he cares. He's a really sweet guy. It just took people showing him that there's no reason to hide his emotions. I heard them earlier, he said Koneko is like a little sister to him, same as Asia. He never knew that feeling before, and now he's discovering what it's like. Y/N isn't the person everyone knows him as. There is so much more to him that we don't even know yet."

I stop to think. I never really realized that before. Of course, I was hoping I could help him to be comfortable around us, but I didn't realize that it was going quicker than I thought. Y/N had always been such a mystery because no one really understood him, but now that there are people around him that know what he is like, he feels like he can be himself.

"She's right Prez." The both of us turn to see Koneko sitting behind us. "He was doubting himself earlier because he has this strange desire to be the strongest out of all of us. He didn't think there's anything he can do better than any of us, but there were two things. He knows his strengths and now he's coming to terms with his weaknesses. I bet by the time the rating game comes he's the strongest, just like he promised you." I feel my face heat up. He's said multiple times that he wants to be strong enough for all of us, but it seems like he has realized that's farther away than he originally thought. I just hope he doesn't overwork himself.


"Y/N, wake up! We need to get to work while everyone is asleep."

 "Alright Ddraig, let's get to it." I sneak out of the house and off to where Koneko and I started our training at.

"Alright let's get to it. You need to know how far you can go before you reach your limit, that way you can gauge how big of a blast you can send. I won't have you do any of that because you'll pass out, but go as far as you can."

I ready myself as Ddraig starts boosting. With every boost, I feel my power building, but after about six or seven I start to feel the strain on my body.

"If I go farther I'm gonna collapse."

"You're not done yet. Why are you holding back?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't be that way Y/N. You know what is at stake, so push yourself. The best chances you'll have to push your limits are when your back is against the wall. So keep going, or are you comfortable with losing everything you've worked for so far?"

The Renegade (High School DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now