3. oh-

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"Ughhh," I groan out in frustration. My hand manages to find my phone on my side table, pressing the snooze on my alarm.

Today is my first day of school.

I already want this year to be over and I haven't even gotten out of bed. I feel somewhat excited knowing it's a new year, but my nerves overtake the anticipation.

Your yearly 'first day of school' butterflies.

I get ready by putting on an outfit I prepared last night. A simple white tee, black levi jeans and converse. I have no one to impress at school that's why I chose my go-to and basic pieces.

Once I'm done getting ready, I continuously look at my figure in the mirror. I start contemplating my choices of clothing. It's too simple. It's too modest. It's boring. Eventually, I suck it up and tell myself 'It's good enough'. I don't have more time to overthink.

I continue with my morning routine by packing my bag with all my supplies then walking to the kitchen for breakfast. Since it's 7 am, both my parents have left early for work so that leaves me alone in the mornings. Which I don't mind because I hate early confrontations anyways. Not everyone has the energy to interact with others and if someone does, I applaud them.

While I eat my oatmeal, I scroll through Instagram to distract myself from the anxiety. I get too caught up on my phone until I realize the time.

"Oh no," I look at the clock. It's already 8 am and I have a 15 minute walk before school starts. "You can make it," I tell myself...hopefully.

I place my empty bowl in the sink, rushing to my room for my school bag. I hate being late but I obviously had to be on my first day. Before I leave, I frantically put my shoes on, take my keys, and run out the door.

Since we are seniors we have to attend school early, only today, for an assembly. In my opinion, it's a waste of time but that's the good part. Who wants to stay in class doing work? I'll take any excuse.

I'm still pacing myself towards school until my casual nerves return. I start thinking of the different ways this year can go. I'm really hoping for a smooth sailing one. I can already feel the stress of how everyone must've changed or glowed up during the summer—I stayed the same as usual. Also, the amount of work and time I have to put into my education will be draining. I hate to think about the potential drama that'll make it even worse.

That's high school.

I finally approach the school and pull out my phone to check the time—8:25am. Thank god. There are students around the front doors, waiting to get inside for the presentation. I begin to look around for my friends from the parking lot, hoping I won't go through today alone—it's my worst nightmare.

As I scan the grounds, I see many familiar faces until I spot the three girls I know too well. In the distance, I determinedly make my way to them.

It looks like the majority of the grade has already arrived on time. I turn my head to check if there are more students coming in late like me. "Oh shit—"


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