44. keep it wrapped

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I'm still gawking at the circular driveway and the mansion that occupies the majority of the property when the door opens.

"Ellie! You made it." Eva wraps her arms around me. She faces Conrad who's next to me. "Hey Conrad!"

"Sup." He nods as a brief introduction then walks inside.

Me and Eva enter behind him. Suddenly, Taron appears from a random part of the house that I have yet to discover. She then leads us down another hallway, my head spinning at the many rooms.

"You can put your things in here." Taron guides us towards a guest room—one out of many. I notice there are other stuff in here too. I assume that they belong to Roman and Eva since they've arrived before me and Conrad.

"Thanks for the ride by the way." Conrad takes off his jacket.

"No problem." I smile, following ensuite by placing my bag in a corner.

"So what did you tell your mom this time?" Eva links her arm through mine once I leave the room. 

"That this is Taron's birthday party." I roll my eyes as I'm not too fond in lying to my mom. But I had no choice considering she'd freak if she knew it was for a boy.

"It technically is." Eva shrugs and I raise a brow. She's technically correct since we're also celebrating Taron's birthday that's approaching.

"Cmon, we need to get ready. He's coming soon." Taron brings us to her room while the boys wander somewhere in this huge place.


"Ellie!" Eva gasps, turning around from the mirror. "You've been hiding that?" She drags a finger along my figure. I hide away from her appreciation.

"I should've chosen a one piece." I fold my arms over my stomach, feeling insecure. I'm only used to wearing my sporty swimsuits. I dug out this two-piece that I haven't worn ever in my life for this party. I'm starting to regret it.

"Are you kidding me? You look hot." Eva motions an hourglass around my body. I melt away from the attention by sitting on the bed and waiting for them to finish getting ready. My arms tighten around my stomach and I hunch over to disappear from that spotlight.

"How are we swimming in February by the way?" I laugh, turning around to face Eva. I should've asked sooner but I honestly was stressing over asking my mom about attending.

"She has an indoor swimming pool." Eva sighs admiringly.

"She does?" My jaw drops. I knew that Taron was well off but not to the extent where she has a whole pool inside her house. I wish to reach that level of rich one day.

"Of course! Look at this place." She scoffs before taking her swimsuit and heading to the other washroom.

"Are you done?" Taron covers her eyes as she walks into her room.

"Yeah." I watch as she peeks through her fingers.

"Okay good because Jae is almost here." Taron informs me. "And shit Ellie, you've been hiding all of this." She eyes me up and down. When Eva does it, there's some genuineness to it. However, Taron makes me feel different.

"That's what I said! " Eva walks in with her white two piece bathing suit. I envy how much it looks good on her, such that it compliments her tanned skin really well and she's confident to be wearing it too.

"May I—" I hesitate. "May I borrow a shirt please? I don't feel..." I look around nervously.

"Sure," Taron shrugs and strolls into her walk-in closet. Within a few seconds, she's throwing me a cropped t-shirt. "That will go well with your bathing suit." She winks.

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