29. blame Mother Nature

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"Good morning group 1 and 2!" Gladis stands at the front of our cabins with too much energy this early on in the day.

"Did everyone sleep well?" She smiles. She gets groggy nods as a response.

After dinner, we went back to our dorms for the night. Our teachers told us we could do anything before curfew so a few people immediately went to bed. I don't blame them because our first day was filled with draining activities. Some decided to play board games in our upstairs lounge room and others just talked for the remainder of the night.

~last night~

"My legs are sore," Eva falls back on her bed.

"Hiking and skating in one day?" Karly sighs, "I wonder what we'll be doing tomorrow."

"I'm excited though," I lay on my sheets.

"Same," Lisa yawns.

Karly approaches the bathroom light. "Dont turn the light—" Sofie almost yells at her but she knows better since the teachers are on a lookout tonight. "You don't know what's in here."

"Don't say that!" Taron gasps.

"Leave it on. I don't want to sleep in the dark either." I say. I'm not too fond with the dark.

"Good night," Eva says.

"Good night..." we all say back.

All goes quiet for the night until, "what was that?" Taron jumps from her bed.

There's a quiet shudder outside the window. "It's the wind, calm down." Karly reassures her.

"Do you guys see that light?" Sofie points across the room. There's something flashing from the other side of the window.

"It's probably a lamp or something," I say, squinting at it.

Sofie gasps, "or maybe it's popo—.

"Don't you dare," Taron attempts to throw a pillow at her but, because of the way the bunk beds are positioned, it hits the bed post instead.

"The white lady...popo." Sofie finishes scaring our cabin mates then cuddles up in her sheets as if her job is done. 

"Why would you say that?" Taron hides behind her blankets and genuinely looks terrified. I sit up from where I was laying. She seems to be looking at the bathroom door then to the window.

"Shh," Sofie shushes.

"What?" I quietly laugh when I realize Lisa and Eva have already gone to sleep. I wish I can easily go to sleep as they do especially with the chaos happening in the moment.

"You hear that?" Sofie whispers from underneath me. 

We all stop talking, trying to hear the sounds Sofie's referring to. Its quiet until, in the distance, we hear laughing and shuffling of feet from outside our door. The whistling of the wind and the branches hitting against the window doesn't make this situation any better because Taron let's out a loud squeal.

"Shit!" she almost screams.

"Shhh," me and Karly calm her down because it's past curfew and the teachers will be checking around the cabin soon enough.

As if on cue, "why is there a light on in this room?" We hear Ms. Horsely down the hall.

"Shoot," Karly slowly walks over to the bathroom and closes the door enough where little light illuminates through the cracks. I find myself grateful that she didn't turn off the only source of light.

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