35. hoodie

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"Jae, I might get in trouble." I stop in the middle of the trail from their cabin. "I'm not allowed to be here."

He looks back at me where I stay put. "It's fine. Just wait here." He says then walks into his cabin for whatever reason.

They've dismissed us earlier so that we can prepare for today's activity but as I was leaving, Jae has managed to drag me away from Eva and them. Like he always does.

I impatiently wait for him outside. From what I know, I'm not allowed to be anywhere near the boys' cabin. It's the teachers' way of preventing something that has happened many times in the past before—yuck. I'm anxious because I don't want anyone, especially a teacher, to assume that from me.

"Ellie?" I hear and my heart drops.

Just my luck.

"Ms.Horsely," I wave. "Hi," a forced smile is plastered across my face.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the dorms getting ready for the activities." She furrows her brows. I don't miss her eyes analyzing me suspiciously.

"Oh," I say the first thing in mind. "I forgot something last night—from game night." It's the best excuse. I cringe for lying to a teacher too.

"Okay well, I should see you at the cabins in 10." She doesn't spare another look because she's walking back to our dorm.

I let out a breath. "Yes, of course," I nod my head like the obedient student I am. I can't stand to go against teacher.

While I relish on the air coming back into my lungs, I hear the doors open and close again.

"You never do that again," Jae walks out and he's already smiling.

"What?" He laughs, watching Ms.Horsely walk away in the distance.

"I had to lie to a teacher."

"You didn't get in trouble did you?"


"Then why are you worrying," he pulls me into a hug. I stare at the side quite surprised by this gesture although I'm not complaining. He feels nice, warm, and him. "Ellie, it's okay to let loose. Let yourself stop worrying for once." He tilts my chin up to look at him.

It's easier said then done.

I always try and I am still trying.

"I know," I sigh.

"Jae," Roman comes from behind us and my eyes widen. I immediately push myself away from him. I don't want them to get an idea.

"Here," Jae hands me two of his hoodies.

"What? Why are you givi—" I look at them then at him.

"Just wear it to cover up your..." he smirks, peeking at my neck.

"Okay, I get it." I roll my eyes planning to leave. He has found a habit of teasing me about his mistakes.

"No kiss?" he pulls me in.

"Hell no," I push him away as he laughs at my rejection.

"I'm just playing," he brushes my cheekbone instead. "Hey Roman!"

"Hey..." Roman looks surprised to see me. It adds on to my embarrassment because I'm not allowed to be here. "Ellie?"

"Hi," I look away from him. He's definitely going to mention this to Eva later. I already have too much on my plate and I need to leave before it stresses me out even more. "I got to go," I run down the field and towards our cabin. I quickly enter as to not drag others' attentions on me.

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