39. home

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The tension in the room gets passed on to every single person who enters the main cabin. Even as they sit at their assigned tables, and serve themselves lunch.

A few of us even witness Eric being escorted outside by Mr.Mac. Apparently, since we're in the middle of the mountains, the quickest way to get him to the emergency room is by car. So Mr.Mac volunteered to accompany Eric while one of the Ranch workers drives them to the nearest hospital.

"Where did Eric go?" Taron asks with so much concern after she comes in later than the rest.  She didn't get here on time to see him leave.

"Mr.Mac took him to the hospital." Jae slowly takes a bite of his pasta. He appears as though he has lost his appetite, but he's not the only one. I look around and everyone's mourning Eric's injury. 

"What will Madame say?" Roman shakes his head, putting down his fork.

"Shell understand." Eva says. "Don't worry, he'll be fine."

"I hope so. He's on the starting line up—" Roman doesn't get to finish his sentence because Eva punches his arm. "Ow!"

"I don't think he can play with that kind of cut. It'll take him months to recover." Conrad pushes his plate away from him.

"It's going to be okay." I plaster a smile on my face. "It's a cut that can heal quickly if he takes good care of it."

They all look at me like it's unbelievable. "You're always so optimistic. How?" Eva nudges my shoulder with her own and sports a smile similar to mine.

"Nothing bad will happen." I reassure. "We need to stop thinking about the negative. The bad part already happened so only things next is the good."

"Ellie is right. Besides, Eric would gag over our attitudes right now." Eva helps me in cheering up their moods.

"Can I have your attention please?" Gladis claps three times.

"I first want to thank all of you for coming to Youth Ranch. It's been an honor to have Everton High experience a new side to the wilderness. I hope you learned something during your time here and use them for future references. It's sad to see you go but I wish to see you sometime soon. Our ranch is open to all. That being said, I wish you all a very successful and amazing senior year." Gladis beams at us as we clap and cheer for her speech, finding whatever happiness is left after the accident.

"Thank you Gladis," Mrs.Pierce stands from the dedicated teachers' table, "We had an entertaining week to say the least. After lunch, I advise all students to head to their cabins and prepare their things before the buses arrive."


"I'll miss this place." Lisa pats her bunk after clearing everything off jt.

"Me too," Taron pouts, looking over our room one more time. "Let's take pictures now!"

We hurry by putting our bags in the foyer before retreating to our cabin's lounge room. We have some free time to waste until the buses get to the Ranch so, we spend it by taking as many pictures that we can for the memories.

"In front of the tree." Eva suggests the Christmas trees that are decorated in the simplest ornaments. There's no debate to it since we're already making our way to them. On our way she asks Maria, "May you take a few pictures of us?"

"Of course." Maria nods, taking the Polaroid camera. "Okay scoot in."

I quickly notice Sofie next to Maria—behind the camera. My smile widens before I'm motioning for her to come to us. "Sofie, join us in the picture."

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