41. I still care about you

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Jae's pov

"Thank god." Taron pulls me inside her house in a hurry. I stubbornly follow her to the living room where Roman and Eva have already settled themselves in.

At my entrance, they stand up. "He arrives!" Roman says.

They don't waste their time once their gazes judge me. "What happened?" The three of them cross their arms and look at me with stern expressions.

"None of your business." I shake my head before stepping aside.

"Nope, you're going to tell us why the hell you've been a bitch?" Taron blocks me from getting anywhere near the couch.

"Again, nothing." I roll my eyes. As I step to the other side of Taron, I become frustrated because she prevents me from sitting down again.

"Is this your plan?" I raise a brow. "There's nothing to talk about, so forget about it."

"You still came." Eva says as if it's a big deal that I did. I swallow and wait while she examines me.

"Of course I did. We have a Christmas party to go to."

"You decided to ignore us for a week and your excuse for coming here is because of a stupid Christmas party." Taron states.

I shrug, "yes." Although my heart tells me otherwise.

"You miss us dont you?" Roman teases. I watch as he approaches me and squeezes my cheeks.

"Don't," I push his hands away.

"We're your friends and we're worried about you." Taron frowns.

"Well, there's nothing wrong." I plaster a smile however, I can tell that they see through it.

"Bullshit." Roman shakes his head.

"We'll do whatever it takes to get the truth out of you." Once Eva smirks, my stomach drops in unease. "Or someone..." The way that they individually look at me worsens the feeling.

"What do you mean?" I genuinely ask because I've done a decent job of keeping everything to myself so that they don't have to struggle with the grief too.

"You see Jae, do you remember that package I've been talking about?" Taron swings an arm over my shoulder then guides me down her hallway. Immediately, I find this interaction suspicious.

The package she's referring to contains clothes and everything of all sorts from her shopping spree. Due to it being a large order, there have been many delays in shipment hence her nonstop complaining.

"Yes..." I eye the three of them incase of a jump scare. I find myself having no importance to this package.

"It's a surprise for you. I've kept it a secret." Taron winks and stops us in the middle of the hall.

"Why would you—" I don't finish my sentence because Roman roughly pushes me, resulting me stumbling back into a room. I gain my balance and composure as soon as I hear the sound of a door closing and a lock afterwards.

"Taron you're a piece of a shit!" I bang on the door. "Get me out of here! I don't know how this will get me to say anything."

"So, there is something." Eva says on the other side. I can picture a smug expression on her face because I revealed a snippet of the truth—barely.

"Shut up! Just get me the fuck out."

"They won't let you go." I turn towards the unexpected voice behind me.

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