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~summer break~

My face looks crooked. My outfit is somewhat decent. Why does my hair look that way? Why do my lips pout like that? What is my leg doing? Many questions appear to mind as I stare at my picture. You know what? Who cares? and...post.

"ELLIE!" my cousin screams from downstairs.

"Yes?" I yell out, too lazy to get out of bed. "Your parents are here to pick you up."

Long story short I had no plans for me to stay in my hometown, so my parents thought it was a good idea to have me stay with my cousins for most of my summer. I'm going back home today and, to be honest, I've been feeling a little homesick. It's starting to feel repetitive to live the same routine every single day—eat, swim, sleep.

I miss one thing back in Toronto and that's my own bed. When sleeping next to my cousin, it meant kicks and punches in the middle of the night. She always blames me for taking over the whole bed, when in reality, she's the one sprawling her limps on top of mine. I end up with zero hours of sleep.

I run down with all my luggage and bags. As I reach the end of the stairs, I greet my parents with a hug—nothing more.

My parents are decent. I'm not the closest with them, unlike my other friends who have healthy relationships with theirs. I desire that kind of bond between me and my parents.

The best way I can describe our relationship is distance. We don't need a hug or a kiss to prove our love for one another—whatever love meant. That's probably why I didn't mind staying miles away from them. I always have a mindset of "I would eventually get back to them. Nothing bad will happen". What are cell phones for then?

Is it a bad habit? Are my parents sick of my everyday 'good morning' texts and not respond anything after that? Probably, but that's how I am.

The sound of my phone interrupts my deep thoughts.

"Jae.Foster liked your photo"


First chapter way to go!! We all know... we be fallin' for Jae Foster. They all do;)


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