9. idiot

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Taron and Eva have their own conversation with the boys. They laugh and talk amongst themselves. On the contrary, me and Sofie sit in silence as we're not sure on what to do and how to interact. We awkwardly listen to them speaking, scroll through our phones, and I personally scribble around my paper—something I do when anxious.

"I saw your stories on Instagram Ellie," Taron says, moving the topic of their conversation on me. I suddenly feel nervous because I don't like the attention. "You looked like you had so much fun during the summer."

"Yeah I did," nodding honestly. If you consider babysitting your cousins "fun", then I won't judge.

"I also saw your post," Roman smirks. Eva smacks the back of his head which makes me furrow my brows. "What?" He rubs his head.

"You looked good don't worry," Taron assures once she notices my skeptically expression. I guess, Eva nods as well to prove Taron's point. "So, what classes do you have?" Taron changes the subject.

"Well, tomorrow I have ap bio, chem, and advanced functions," I list off. I don't understand why all my hard classes are on one day.

"You," Conrad points at me ", will be dead at the end of the week." I laugh at his exaggeration. The class may be difficult but I can manage.

"I'm not kidding," Conrad says—more serious than normal. "My brother didn't sleep for the first few months of school because of his math and science classes. He then spent the rest of the year "catching up" to his sleeping schedule." He explains. "I don't know how you do it," I shrug my shoulders, doodling around my notebook—I don't know how either.

"Sofie has the same classes as me too," I point to her, trying to divert the focus from me.

"It's a hassle and it's not like I have a choice either. I'm doing this for my mother anyways." Sofie shakes her head. "I don't want my kids to experience what I went through just to get into college." She moves her hands around frustratingly.

"I feel you," me and Eva say at the same time.

"Why you so quiet?" Taron shoves Jae's shoulder. He looks up from his phone, peers through his glasses, and looks at all of us who stare back.

Instead of replying to Taron, he shows Conrad and Roman something on his phone. They laugh at whatever is on his phone until he proceeds to scroll again.

"Idiot," Conrad mutters at Jae.

"Okay?" Taron glares at them before initiating another conversation between the girls.


"I'll see you tomorrow," Taron calls over her shoulder as her and Sofie walk to their next period.

Roman and Eva left early during spare to "do something". It's "something" I don't want to know more about. Sofie was supposed to have gym with me, until she remembered that she didn't choose the course for this year. She decided to visit the counselor's office with Taron, who has a problem with her schedule as well.

I swing my bag over my shoulder and make my way to my locker. I'm half way out of the recreational room until I hear someone calling for me.

"Mae!" Conrad yells out of no where. I turn around to Conrad and Jae jogging towards me. Conrad gives a cheeky smile—like he always does—and walks beside me with Jae on my other side.

We walk down the halls while none of us speak to one another—what a way to make it awkward. I begin to wonder which class they have for the next period. My gaze is fixed forward, not wanting to look at the two boys on either side of me. I'm afraid on getting caught in their looks or embarrassing myself—they were my crushes after all.

One turn then another and they still haven't left my side. Once we near the lockers, I stop in my tracks. I realize Conrad and Jae are approaching my locker. I watch them confusingly, noticing Conrad open the locker next to mine. I mentally slapped my head at the realization.

"I forgot your locker is beside mine," I move towards my locker—the perks of our names being together on the attendance.

"How?" Conrad chuckles as he puts away books and other materials.

"It's been two months give me a break," I side glance him. I attempt to open my lock, but it falters on me. I re-enter my code many times and I still struggle. My hands shake in impatience and, truthfully, more in embarrassment.

"You can help her you know," Conrad suggests to Jae who leans against the lockers. Jae doesn't say anything but respond with only a shrug of his shoulders.

I sigh, mentally cursing at the lock. I carefully re-enter my code for the thousandth time and when it finally opens, I'm relieved. I started to consider participating gym class in jeans.

"Hey Jae," Karly, who I believe was in my English class last year, greets him. Jae acknowledges her by a brief nod but his eyes tells me otherwise. He looks her up and down with a certain look to them. "Hi Conrad," she turns her head hastily.

"Hey," Conrad greets back but busily rummages through his locker.

I'm too eager to get away. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable. I place all my books and papers I don't need until tomorrow in my locker. I check one more time, if I'll forget anything, before closing it. At the same time, Conrad locks his locker and gives me another one of his smiles—he's too nice sometimes.

"Let's go?" He asks and I look at him quite shocked. Is he asking me to go with him?

"Uh," I think it over—it won't be bad. "Sure?" I furrow my eyebrows.

Conrad hasn't interacted with me for this long. Especially after our disagreement—if you like to say. We usually greet other "hi" then continue on with our day. Today is the first time, in awhile, since Conrad has tried talking and even hang out with me.

"Just text me," I hear Karly, forgetting she's next to us. Jae nonchalantly waves to her as she blends in with the busy hallways.

"We have class to get to," Conrad pulls on Jae's backpack and pushes him forward. Ultimately, Jae stumbles on his steps and looks annoyed—he always is.

I start walking towards the gym as Jae and Conrad follow beside once again. I steadily pace myself in between them. I can't help but feel awkward because we stay silent.

Unlike last time, I actually have the courage to look at them. I peek to my left and Conrad seems to focus more on his path ahead. Then I look to my right, Jae is texting someone. I mentally roll my eyes since it's the most common thing he does.

We get closer and closer to the gym. Jae and Conrad have yet to leave my side. I'm now really curious to know which class they have next because they're going the exact same way as me.

"What class do you have?" Conrad asks. Him and Jae suddenly stops and they look at me for an answer.

"I have uh-" I point to the change rooms. It takes me a moment to understand. When it did, my eyes widen in surprise. I can't believe we have gym together.


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