51. game on

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I try to walk into class with my head held high, but when my eyes land on Jae Foster, my confidence plummets, butterflies and goosebumps erupt from my body, and my tensions ease.

I needed time to myself these days to think and reflect on what had happened, but it was difficult when Jae would make my heart skip a beat with a gentle touch to the arm or soft kisses on the shoulder.

He has created distance between us for nearly a week, just as I have. I didn't miss the times when we had perfect opportunities to snuggle up to each other, but instead we were hesitant and held back.

He always knows when something bothers me, and he can read me like a book, so he's starting to figure out why I'm ignoring him. When I try to keep up with his game tactics, he doesn't hesitate to brag and show who's the dominant one out of the two of us.

The trust we had in one another is slowly crumbling, which worries me. I miss the times when it was just me and him, but with more factors in the game, I'm losing him completely.

The more time we spend apart and putting together that we're both mad at each other for something, the more tension we create around us. I'd never felt more uncomfortable and awkward around him than in the days following their first basketball game.

I said I wasn't going to give up on Jae Foster, and I haven't. However, I'm running out of patience and encouragement, so I've decided to be selfish for a long time.

If one person is being petty, I will not refuse to fight for what I want.

"Ellie Mae" he curtly nods.

"Foster" I take my seat.

"New nickname" he teases.

"Do you like JaeJae better?" I raise an eyebrow.

"How do you know about that?" His eyes widen.

"I'm catching up with Theo why?" I tilt my head.

"Nothing" he scoffs before turning to the front. "You're mad at me"

"What makes you think that?" I keep my gaze ahead.

"You're ignoring my texts and calls" he turns his body.

"And I can't?" I raise a brow.

"It's been a week" he says.

"I have my reasons" I shrug.

"You always do" he scoffs, leaving us in silence.

"Cat got your tongue" he proudly leans back and I take a deep breath.

"Is that a challenge?" I fully turn to face him, my gaze fixed on his eyes.

"You're always competitive," he smirks as he seductively tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. When my breath hitches from his light touch, he victoriously leans closer. "I accept" he whispers.

"Game on," I say into his ear. I smugly smile as he pulls back, noticing the flush on his cheeks and goosebumps all over his arms.


"We need to talk" When I walk out of French class, Eric pulls me to the side.

"Same" I watch as Jae walks towards our spot with Taron and Conrad.

"Isn't this fucked up?" Eric and I follow behind them.

"Of course it is" my gaze is drawn to Jae's contrasting muscles from behind. "You noticed it too?"

"I like how people think I'm dumb, I know I am but I'm not" he scrunches his face.

"You're not" I reassure him as we take our seats at another picnic table.

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