21. no sister

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"Hurry up!" Lisa shouts at Claire because she's getting ready in my closet. I'm sitting on my bed, scrolling through my phone, and waiting for her to finish. I have yet to retrieve my outfit for Conrad's party tonight and I can't do that when Claire is taking her time.

I drop my phone on my bed. "Let me guess." I tap my chin and act curious. "You're the angel and she's the devil."

"Bingo." Lisa adjusts her dress in front of the mirror. She examines her outfit. "Do I look okay?"

"You look hot." I compliment, earning a quiet laugh from her. However, I notice her uncertainty.

"Thanks, but don't you think I look..." she hesitantly smiles then it quickly turns into a frown. "fat?"

I immediately shake my head. "Lisa you look beautiful." I walk up to her and smile through the mirror. "You always do." I sincerely tell her and I make sure she believes it.

"I'm done." Claire walks out of the closet. My and Lisa's jaws drop. When she fully steps out into the light, I'm even more shocked.

"You do know we're just hanging out. It's not an actual costume party," Lisa tells her.

"Yeah I know, why is it bad?" Claire looks in between us.

We've planned on wearing subtle costumes, like everyone else. "Nothing too much" is what Conrad said. There'll be a few friends and it's nothing too serious.

Lisa is rocking a simple white dress, white jacket, and white shoes. All of which, obviously, replicates an angel. On the contrary, Claire goes beyond by dressing up in a black, leather, skin tight dress. She also pairs it with a corset, knitted leggings, and black combat boots to match. Don't get me wrong, she looks great. I'm just thinking it's too much for the "dress code".

"As long as you're comfortable." I pass by her to get into my closet. I need to change quickly if we want to make it on time.

"You're bold." Is the last thing I heard from Lisa, after closing the door behind me.


"3..2..1" I spam the button on Claire's camera. Her and Lisa repeatedly change their angles and poses as I take the pictures for them.

"Can you take a few on here too?" Claire hands me a disposable camera. I take it to capture some more pictures for them. For the last one, I face it towards the three of us, and we all make silly faces and peace signs.

"Let's hope those turn out good." Claire squeals looking through the photos. "Okay, let's go we're already late." they head out the door.

"And I wonder why" I sigh and grab my purse. I text my parents saying "I'm going" then double locking the door behind me before walking toward Conrad's place.


Conrad opens the door on the second we knocked. "What's up!" He welcomes us in. He guides in front, with us following him, to the basement. I can already hear the music and the smell of alcohol on the top of the stairs.

On the last step, I get tackled. "Ellie!" Eva squeezes me and Taron follows. "She made it."

I look around the room and feel relieved when I only notice our circle of friends. I don't do well in any kind of social settings. The party is small enough where you want to catch up with everybody.

"What the hell is she wearing?" Eva whispers as she glances at Claire's outfit. As expected, everyone's wearing normal clothes with a Halloween element on them.

"Me and Lisa tried telling her, I swear." I tell her as we make our way to the rest of the group. They're sitting on the couch and around the floor.

Conrad and Taron sit near the end. Conrad lays on the sofa's extension, with a red cup in one hand and the other is over Taron's shoulder. Roman is next to them, a seat empty beside him, which I'm guessing is for Eva. Then Eric and Karly are sitting on the floors, snacking on chips and snacks from the table in front of them.

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