27. popo

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It hasn't been a few seconds before my mom waltzes into the living room. "Got your bags?" She asks as I haul my suitcase and backpack behind me.

"Yes," I place them next to the front door, then quickly head to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Do you have your sweatpants, hoodies, underwear—" she lists off my essentials for the weekend, stressfully may I add.

"Yes mom," I interrupt, "I have everything."

"Good," she places a bagel with cream cheese and jam in front of me. With an empty stomach from a good night's sleep, I eagerly take the meal without hesitation. "Are you excited?"

"Yes," I bite into my bagel, savoring the taste that uplifts my mood to the morning. "I can't wait."


I make it to school on time. "Ellie!" Eva runs up to me.

"Hey," I smile at her outfit. "You look prepared for anything." Her hair is tied up into a low pony tail, sweatpants tucked into her boots, a winter jacket keeping her undoubtedly warm, and the packed suitcase by her side. 

As for me, I'm wearing a simple hoodie, sweatpants to pair with my Doc Martens, a beanie to cover my freshly showered hair, and a jacket that's suited for any weather condition.

"Omg! I love your jacket." Taron squeezes the air out of its puffiness for amusement. "I was supposed to get this one but I decided on another style."

"It's surprisingly warm, especially with how light it is. " As the pile of graduates start to grow in front of the school, I scan my eyes through them for a particular person. "Have you seen Sofie?"

Once the buses start to arrive, the conversations of everyone around gradually get louder until all you can hear is the excitement. Many huddle closer in order to hear each other, making it harder to find my partner for the trip.

I tip toe to see above the tall crowds and my eyes automatically land on Sofie. I tell Eva and Taron that I'll see them later, before I walk towards her. She seems to be talking to a few people in her math class, including Lisa.

"Hey," I awkwardly greet Sofie who's apparently in the middle of a conversation. "Hi," I wave to her classmates that I know mutually, but not as well as she does.

"Hey Ellie," Maria from my English class and the others greet me too. At least, they don't make my appearance awkward.

"I can't wait to tell you guys the scary stories I've read last night." Sofie jumps up and down in excitement. It makes me worried that she's too enthusiastic for scary stories. I know her too well to know that they'll be psychotic.

"Of course, you are." I shake my head with a small smile on my face. The others stare at her, concerned for themselves, and honestly, they should all be.

Myself too.

I have a friend who adores demons.

They laugh away their discomfort. "You might be laughing now but the stories she has read to me," I glance at Sofie, "I'm starting to worry about her mental health."

"It's not that scary, don't worry." She says that now...


"Shit! What happened next?" Maria hides behind her bags and so does everyone else.

We're 30 minutes into the ride, not even half way through the trip, and Sofie has everyone on the bus terrified.

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