22. trick or treat

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Every second, we walk farther away from the house. As we get deeper into the neighborhood, the boys start ringing up houses. At first, I didn't believe the idea until the realization hit me. I watch them push their way through little kids to get the better candy.

I look down at my phone and I don't have a response from my mom yet. I'm already far gone from Conrad's house without her permission. I'm anxious because, I know truly, she'll be stressed. The last thing I want is for a mother to worry about their own daughter. But why does telling my own whereabouts to my mother terrifying?

When we arrive at the certain part of the neighborhood—where full size candy bars are handed out—Claire, Taron, and Eva go door to door. They leave me and Lisa trailing behind them like their mothers.

They run back after getting their chocolate. Taron notices my nerves as I apprehensively follow them. "Calm down Ellie. Let's have some fun tonight." She links her arm around mine and pulls me to a house. I smile—a hesitant one—but it's gone in an instant. I'm not having fun.

"Trick or treat!" The little kids in front of us say. I don't remember the last time I've went trick or treating. This whole plan feels wrong and silly—I feel stupid.

The adults giving away the treats smile and gush over the kids' adorable costumes and buckets to match. As they hand them their candy, they subtly glance our way with obvious criticism. We don't pass as 10 year olds, that's for sure.

We walk up to the front once the kids are gone. "Aren't you guys a little too old to be trick or treating?"

"Trick or treat." my friends say except me. The house owner rolls her eyes while handing a candy bar to each of us. I fidget in my spot, ready to leave. I give an apologetic smile, in which she returns with one as well.

I hope she knows I don't want to partake in this. It's embarrassing. At least, she seems to believe my intentions.

"See, that wasn't so bad." Eva pulls us to even more houses. I check my phone again and still no message.

"Really? They were judging us hard." I point to the house we were at.

"We only got one bar!" Claire glares at the house, walking off to the neighbors without us. At the same time, Conrad approaches us after his fun.

"Shit, how much candy did you get?" Taron says peeks in his bag which is half way full. Eva slaps her arm because of her inappropriate words used around children.

"A lot," Conrad laughs and watches Roman, Eric, Jae, and Claire go to one house then the other. At this point, I don't care less about trick or treating anymore. They seem to have fun so I won't bother them.

"I just want to go home." I groan.

"I know same." Lisa adjusts her purse around her shoulder. "My feet are killing me."

"Where did they go?" I look around to see no one but Lisa around. Instead, a few houses down, I notice them receiving a bunch of candy. Eventually, I hear a notification from my phone. I immediately look at it and the first few words already freaks me out.

I'm waiting for you outside
It's getting late
You have school tomorrow

"Omg," I feel the panic. My heart sinks to my stomach as I reread the text messages over and over. I check my surroundings, to process where in the neighborhood we are in. I realize we're 15 minutes—walking distance—away from Conrad's house.

"What do I do?" I look back and forth. Lisa watches me in concern from the side walk. "Shit," I mutter.

"Oh no, you just swore." Lisa stares at me."That's not good."

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