54. I loved her

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[yes I read your comments]

Jae's pov

"It's okay" Cassidy rubs my arm. "Conrad just wants to talk to you, why are you so worried?"

"Cass, the only time he says he wants to talk, he starts with a lecture," I sigh.

"Hey" she pulls my face to look at her. "I know what he means when he says he wants to talk"

"You do?" I look up to her.

"Yes" she smiles. "I don't mind you talking about Ellie"

"I don't want to talk about her" I scowl.

"I know you don't," she rubs my cheeks. "But try please...for me"

"Fine" I roll my eyes before kissing her jutted lip.

"Jae" she giggles as I nuzzle my nose in the crook of her neck.

"You" Conrad swings the door open.

"Oh boy" Cassidy tenses.

"Thank you Cass" Conrad smiles. "I'll take it from here"

"What do-" Cassidy pushes me into Conrad's house as he pulls me into his basement.

"You could've at least let her stay" I glare at Conrad.

"You son of a bitch" Conrad points an angry finger at me. "You don't know how fucked up you are"

"I've heard" I roll my eyes, taking a seat on his couch.

"Calling Ellie a whore" he raises a brow. "Mentioning a sensitive topic about her dad"

"Are you forgetting she used my dead brother as an excuse as well?" I scoff. "Exactly, it's even between us"

"No it's not" Conrad walks back and forth in front of me.

"Why is that?" I raise my brows.

"This is the conversation I was saving, specifically for you" Conrad crosses his arms.

"I'm going" I stand up.

"Sit.the.fuck.down" he blocks my way.

"What Conrad?" I sneer, taking a seat again. "What makes Ellie so special to you and to everyone?"

"Because..." he exclaims before taking a deep breath. "I-" he uncomfortably looks around.

"Yes Conrad, I'm waiting because I have my girl waiting for me" I lean back.

"I loved her," he says, searching my eyes. "I still do, but not in that way...I care about her."


"No let me finish" he holds a hand out.

"She's clueless about these things, and it's because of that that I'm protective around her. But don't think she's oblivious, she is deeply aware of things," he says as he sits next to me.

"Conrad I don't care"

"Look at me," he says firmly. "Tell me what you thought the first time you saw her."

"I don't want to talk about her when I have a girlfriend" I attempt to stand but Conrad pushes me back down.

"I already spoke with Cassidy, and she gave me permission to speak with you about this," he says, letting go of my shoulders."Be honest"

"She's hot" I roll my eyes.

"And..." he motions to continue.

"I'm not going to say it" I shake my head.

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