55. fashion frenzy

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"What the hell?" The sun shining through my window causes me to blink my eyes open. I look at the clock and realise I've slept in until 11 a.m.

I reach for the switch to turn off my night light, only to find that it has already been turned off. I lean back on my pillow, my gaze fixed on the ceiling.

When it comes to my mistakes, I am very hard on myself, so my punishment is sleeping in the dark. I didn't like it at first; I didn't like hearing the wind whistling outside the windows or seeing the shadows cast by trees illuminated by the moonlight. I didn't like listening to my thoughts at 12 a.m., when all you could hear were voices in your subconscious and creaks on the floor from other rooms' slight movements.

It was torture but I felt like I deserved it.

I'm beginning to enjoy being alone in the dark, I should be used to it by now. I still try to avoid disappointment, but how could I when I've already disappointed everyone?

It's probably time for me to suppress my shame and face my silly fear of the dark, as everyone advises.

"Yes" I hear a knock at my door.

"Hey" my mom creeps into my room, slowly closing the door behind her. "I want to talk to you about something"

"Okay..." I suspiciously watch her as I sit up.

"You can talk to me you know" my mom stands in front of my bed. "You can tell me anything"

"Okay" I narrow my eyes.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" She raises a brow.

"No" I frantically shake my head. "I do not"

"It's okay, you don't have to lie" my steps closer and I scoot back.

"I'm not lying mom, I do not have a boyfriend"

"Are you sure?" She squints her eyes.

"Yes" I nod.

"I got a call this morning from Theresa, she sends her blessings to us" my mom smiles. "She also mentioned you were walking with a boy when she bumped into you in the mall" her smile twitches.

"He's a friend of mine in school mom, you don't have to worry" I wave dismissively, feeling my stomach drop.

Keep a straight face

"You told me you were going to watch a movie with your friends" my mom tilts her head.

"And I did" I look side to side.

"Are you using it as an excuse because you were on a date?" Her brows raise.

"It wasn't a date, Mom. Both Jae and I wanted to show our support for Eva and Roman," I explain.

"I don't believe you" my mom takes a seat ok my bed.

"Why?" I annoyingly sigh.

"You don't have any friends" Her lips curl into a smile. My mouth open and closes, perplexed by her true argument.

"Thanks mom" I sarcastically smile, hiding the hurt and sadness.

"Tell me the truth" she stares through me.

"I am" I slowly say.

"No your not" she scoffs.

"You believe your co worker over your own daughter?" I furrow my brows.

"Of course I believe you, but you've recently shown that I can't," she says with a disappointed shake of her head.

"Well I'm not lying" I sit up to the side of my bed.

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