Chapter 206 🔞

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Derek stayed with Sadie for most of the night until he finally brought her into bed with him and Meredith to keep a closer eye on the next day...her nose was stuffy and she had a little cough...Derek must have called the pediatrician at least ten times throughout the day...even though there was not much that they could do for her...except to keep a humidifier running in the nursery... Meredith decided to keep Shane in their room for the night so that Sadie's coughing wouldn't keep him awake...she went into the nursery after she put Shane to bed and checked on Sadie...Derek had refused to put her down all day...he sat in the glider with his eyes closed...listening to the lullaby cd he made...with Sadie snuggled inside a baby pouch against his chest...Meredith walked over to them and sat on the ottoman at his feet...

Meredith: Hey...
Derek: Hey...
Meredith: (smiles as she rubs her head)..She's snoring...loud...
Derek: (sighs)...Yeah...its the congestion...
Meredith: Poor thing...hang in their princess...
Derek: I think this is the most comfortable position for her...everytime I lay her down she starts coughing...
Meredith: (grins)...So George got your text...I think he's a little afraid...
Derek: (frowns)...He should be...germ boy...
Meredith: (giggles)...He still maintains his innocence...
Derek: He cant come back without a doctor's note...
Meredith: (smiles)...Believe me ...he wont...

Sadie sneezed a couple of times...followed by some coughing...Derek rubbed her back and soothed her back to sleep...

Derek: I hate seeing her like breaks my heart...
Meredith: Me too...she's sounds miserable...
Derek: Now do you see why I act the way that I do? Too many people...too many germs...
Meredith: Yeah...I do...(rubs Sadie's head)...the twins have had a lot of vistors...
Derek: That's all I'm saying...
Meredith: But you know...there will be more colds...and coughs...and scraped knees...maybe even a broken bone or two...
Derek: (furrows eyebrows)...Are you trying to torture me...because let me tell you its working if you are...
Meredith: (smiles)...No...I'm not trying to torture you...
Derek: Then what?
Meredith: You can't protect them from everything Derek..
Derek: But I can try...
Meredith: And you'll go insane...which will leave them with a daddy who's locked up in a mental hospital with a nervous can you protect them then?
Derek: They're so tiny...I just want to be there for them...
Meredith: I know you do I...but you have to trim the daddy bear claws a little...ok...
Derek: (sighs)...Ok...I'll try...I cant promise anything but I will try...
Meredith: (smiles and kisses his forehead)...That's good enough for me look tired...why don't you get some sleep...I can take her...
Derek: Then I would have to get up and take her out of the pouch...which means she'll probably wake took me forever to get her to fall asleep...
Meredith: (runs her hand through his hair)...But you're exhausted baby...
Derek: I'll be ok...
Meredith: Are you sure?
Derek: I'm sure..
Meredith: (smiles)...Ok...I'll check on you two later...just to make sure you haven't dropped her on the floor or anything...
Derek: Don't worry...I won't...(smiles)...this thing is great...she's as snug as a bug in a rug...
Meredith: (kisses Sadie's forehead)...Sweet dreams princess...(kisses Derek's forehead) you too King Derek...

She walked towards the door and then turned around to look back at him...

Meredith: Oh and don't think I forgot about the nanny thing...
Derek: (sighs)...Neither did I...
Meredith: Good night...
Derek: Good night...

Meredith woke up early the next day and reached over for Derek but was disappointed to find that his spot was still empty on such a special morning...she sat up to take a peek at Shane in the bassinet...he was still asleep...he had only gotten up once during the night...he was such a good sleeper and a sweet baby...they were keeping their fingers crossed that he didn't catch Sadie's cold...

She walked into the nursey and saw Derek still in the glider...only he was alone...she glanced over at Sadie's crib and saw her sleeping...Meredith could tell by her peaceful sleep that she was doing a lot better...she stood over the crib and smiled as she listened to Sadie's soft snores..

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