Meredith and Derek rushed into the house in search of Sadie...They found her in the nursery with Adelle...who was rocking her in the glider and singing to her...Adelle had her eyes closed as she gently stroked Sadie's back...Derek was about to charge into the nursery...but Meredith held him back by his arm...Adelle had such an amazing voice...they always heard her humming along the house while she cleaned but they had never really heard her sing...they stood back and watched as Sadie's bright green eyes were mesmerized by Adelle's voice...
Song "God Bless the Child" (Bailey sang on the show)...
When Adelle finished singing she opened her eyes and saw that Sadie had fallen asleep...she suddenly noticed Derek and Meredith in the doorway watching them...Adelle smiled at them and slowly stood up with Sadie...careful not to wake her...they walked towards her and kissed her softly on the head...Adelle placed her in the crib and guided Meredith and Derek out of the nursery...
Derek: She doesn't feel warm.
Meredith: Is she ok?
Adelle: She's doing much better...her temperature has gone back down...
Meredith: What did you do?
Adelle: Oh just a little Tylenol and a whole lot of prayer...she'll be fine...I don't think its any thing to worry about...
Derek: But what about her fever?
Adelle: Sometimes children get fevers for no particular reason at all...if its more to'll know soon enough...
Derek: What did the doctor say?
Adelle: Nothing...
Derek: Nothing?
Adelle: You know...same thing they always say about infants...give them some Tylenol and keep an eye on two didn't have to come home...I told Meredith I would take care of things...
Meredith: I know you did...but I was worried...she's so little and she just got over that cold...
Adelle: Well...Sadie is a fighter...she may be little but she's strong...just keep doing what you're doing and she'll continue to fight...she may have hard way to go because of her size...but she's a tough cookie...
Meredith: Thanks Adelle...
Adelle: You're try to leave her be...Derek stood in the doorway...aching to go inside...even though she was sleeping so peacefully...
Adelle: Derek?
Derek: Yeah?
Adelle: Let her get her rest...that's going to help her the most...
Derek: You know what...I'll just sit with her for a few minutes...
Adelle: Oh no you don't...
Derek: But...
Adelle: Once you step foot in there...we'll never get you out of here...go see your son...he's in your bed napping...he seems to sleep better when he's in your must be your scent he picks up...I tried to keep him away from her until whatever this is goes away for good....
Meredith: Come on Derek...we can peek in on her later...
Derek: Ok...
Adelle: I'm going back down stairs to clean out the refrigerator...if you need me let me know...
Meredith: Ok...The walked into their bedroom and saw Shane sleeping in the middle of their bed with his hands clutching their satin bed comforter...
Derek: What a prince...
Meredith: He's so perfect...
Derek: Yeah he is...they both are...The slid into bed on opposite sides of him and watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful and content.
Meredith: (sighs)...We're home little man...
Derek: (sighs)...Home sweet home...finally...
Fortunately Sadie's fever didn't return and no other symptoms returned...but Adelle was right...she did seem to pick up bugs and viruses a lot easier than Shane...just as soon as she got over a cold or a cough...along came another...may be it was because of her size or maybe it was due to a weaker immune system...nevertheless...daddy Derek always came to the rescue...becoming more protective than ever of his little princess...insisting on staying up with her thru the night while Meredith got her rest...Meredith understood his point of view... Derek was a natural caretaker...he was an amazing father...but she was becoming more concerned as the summer was coming to an end...
Broken Rockstar Part 2
FanfictionThis is the same story but it's too big and we already reached 200 chapters so we will just continue the story here! You may have guessed by the title that someone is a rockstar well that would be Derek he is 34 years old and he's in a band. Meredi...