Chapter Four

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Mili scanned the whole library but couldn't find Harry anywhere, until she saw him almost hidden away as he sat on a seat in between two bookshelves. He was engrossed in an even bigger book this time which rested on his knees but his glasses still sat on the bridge of his nose and his eyebrows were still furrowed attentively.

"Hey." She caught his attention and he looked up, surprised, before he smiled at her.

"Hi," he replied happily "what's wrong?"

"Oh I uh, wanted to ask if we are doing the project after school today?" She asked.

"I mean, if you want to." He replied timidly.
"Okay so your house?" She pointed at him.

"My house?" He said and looked a little taken aback "um okay. I'll uh text you the address."

He nodded and the two quickly exchanged details before Mili - halfheartedly - left the library for him to carry on his reading which she didn't want to interrupt. When she left the library, she just wandered around the school and even rummaged through her essentially empty locker because she didn't want to sit with Summer and her crew.


Her heart instantly stopped. She hadn't heard that name in a long time. Surly it was just a coincident, right?

"Amelia Mikealson."

She didn't want to turn around. She didn't want to face her past again. Who was this person and how did they know that name? She didn't want to find out. She didn't want to see. She clutched on to the strap of her bag as tightly as she could. Her palms were sweating. She inhaled a shaky breath before forcing herself to turn around. In front of her stood a tall but pale looking woman. She was wearing casual clothes but Mili could recognise her from a mile away. Her long red her was tied in a loose plait which sat on her shoulder and travelled down to her abdomen. Her smile was weak and she looked frail. She looked scared.

"Esme," she breathed as the woman stepped closer "what are you doing here."

"Amelia, my dear friend," she spoke; even her voice was weak "I have terrible news."

"What is it?" The terrified young girl asked.

"You brothers," she held the girl's shaking hands "I fear they may have located you, Amelia." She explained.

"Located me?" She asked; the fear evident in her voice "Esme, what are you saying?"

"Amelia I," she sighed "I had no choice. Your brother, Elijah had come to see me the other day and he asked for his sister." She looked the girl deep in the eye. No! It can't be surly.

"Did you not mention Rebekah?" The girl instantly replied.

"Of course I did, old friend," Esme sighed "but then he mentioned your name and I was shocked as to how he knew it," Esme explained "but I said to him that I do not know who he is talking about and he said he knew about you. Amelia Mikealson. His sister. I was shocked. I really was and then-" Esme stopped.

"Then what?" The girl urged, letting go of Esme's hands.

"He forced me to lift the magic of him and I think it worked. I think he remembers you know. I have a feeling that he remembers everything." She cried and the girl looked at the woman in disbelief. This can't be happening?! Elijah can't know! He can't know!

"Esme," her voice was a nothing but a mere whisper "please, tell me you're joking. Tell me that this is some sick joke." She begged.

"I wish I was, Amelia," she cried "but he had hunted my sister down and held her as leverage against me. He tortured her in front of me. I really had no choice." She said and Amelia grabbed Esme's hands again.

"My dear friend I am so sorry." She said to her.

"It's okay. I broke our promise so I felt that it was my duty to tell you."

If Elijah had found out about her, then it was not long till the others will find out too, and, soon enough, the whole Mikealson clan will come looking for their long lost sister.

And let the drama begin...

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