Chapter Ten

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Amelia watched from a far as three women were surrounded by individual rings of fire. One of the girls was passed out on the floor while the other two sat on the floor. The youngest, who was in the middle ring made from flames and she looked exactly like Katherine. The doppelgänger, Elena Gilbert. She had tears running down her rosie cheeks and she breathed out shaky breaths. Amelia didn't expect anything else from the girl, after all she was going to be sacrificed in mere moments.

Amelia decided to use her supernatural hearing to hear what the two girls were talking about.

What could one talk about when they knew they were going to die within the next few moments?

"I feel like myself...Only not. Everything is brighter. The fire's hotter. Part of me is terrified, but there's another part of me that doesn't want to feel anything." The slightly older one spoke and Amelia instantly knew she was in transition. She was going to be the vampire that her brother slaughtered tonight.

"Vampires can turn off the part that's human. That's the part that hurts." Elena explained in a croaky voice.

The other girls eyes glistened with tears "I'm gonna die, aren't I?" She muttered towards the doppelgänger in realisation. A shiver ran down Amelia's spine as she saw the slightly older girl in transition. She probably didn't deserve a death this horrible, no one did.

"No! Jenna, I'm not going to let that happen. I don't care what I have to do." Elena tired to convince Jenna otherwise and Amelia just shook her head at the doppelgänger's foolishness.

Stupid girl, telling Jenna a false fate when she already knows what she is condemned to tonight.

But her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a twig snap as the third woman groaned causing Jenna's head snaps towards her. Amelia's attention however broke from the preparations of the sacrifice as she heard leaves rattle behind her, causing her head to snap towards the direction.

For a few seconds, there was no sound or movement within the leaves and the girl sighed. "I know you're there, you know." Amelia said as she turned back towards the place where the sacrifice was going to take place and turned her back to the all too quite leaves.

Soon a figure came and stood beside the youngest original. "How did you know?" He asked.

She looked over at him as he just looks forward. "I'm an original, after our last run in, do you still doubt me?" She asked and he wore a forced smile. He was in pain, not embarrassed or annoyed this time but in pain.
"What bothers you Damon?" She asked as she now looked forward as well. She knew the answer but she still asked the question.

"Oh I don't know, it might have something to do with your messed up brother sacrificing the people I care about?" He said in his cocky tone but it wasn't like before. It was not the same kinda cocky as last time.

"Aah yes, that could probably be it." Amelia said with a small smile and for the first time since they had spoken tonight, Damon looked at her.

He smiled a little before asking Amelia a question this time. "So what's your reason?"
Amelia looked at him with a slightly raised brow, which Damon returned with a raised brow of his own.

"Okay if you must know, I'm not particularly a fan of my brother murdering innocent people for his own gain. It doesn't sit entirely well with me." Amelia confessed.

"Well, that makes the two of us." Damon said giving Amelia a week smile.

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner." He said in his strong British accent to his witch. A voice Amelia hadn't heard for quite some time now. Amelia looks back down to see her brother finally joining the party. Her heartbeat increased slightly at the sight of her brother after so long, which didn't go unnoticed by Damon. He sensed the change in the girl as soon as she saw her brother and he realised that she was afraid.

Damon edged his hand closer until it was touching Amelia's. As soon as their hands touched, Amelia's eyes broke away from her brother and she looked down to her and Damon's hand. She looked back up at him and noticed that he was already looking right at her. "If you wanted to hold my hand all you had to do was ask, you know." Damon said in his cocky tone.

It was the same cocky tone he had when he had kidnapped Amelia along with Stefan. A smile made its way towards Amelia's lips as she grabbed Damon's hand in her own. She knew what he was doing, even though she didn't understand why, she appreciated it. Something she appreciated even more was that he didn't get her to talk about it.

"I'm a Mikaelson remember, I don't ask, I just take." She said in a cocky tone of her own that matched his, causing Damon to smirk at the girl. It was as if they were finding comfort in one another. It might be because they both knew that were going to loose someone really important to them tonight.

The next chapter will be the rest of the sacrifice. Hope you're enjoying the story so far :)

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