Chapter Thirty Six

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I know I know and I'm sorry it took so long for a new chapter but it's a good one :)

Klaus sat in the parlour of the Mikaelson mansion that day after Amelia had gone. He held an old tacky looking book in his hands, one that he had read over and over again.

It was one of his favourites.

The book almost matched the story that Klaus used to tell Amelia and Rebekah as children. A story that Rebekah used to call a load of nonsense but Amelia seemed to be amazed by it. Her eyes would widen as she listened to every words her brother would say.

"Oh tell it again, tell it again Nik. Pleeeeease."

She would plead right after Klaus would tell her the last word. But then Klaus would say...

Later, get some rest now little Amelia."

And then Amelia would plead more. It took Klaus everything in him not to laugh at that innocent look she would give him. It took Klaus everything not to laugh at that stupid face she would pull, hoping to hear the story one last time.

Rebekah walked down the stairs with a cocktail dress on. "So much for girls in this era dressing like prostates." He mumbled with a smirk on his lips as he saw Rebekah from the corner of his eyes.

"I heard that." Rebekah voiced as she came to a stop in front of her brother.

"I'm sure you did." Klaus smirked.

"Okay, out with it." Rebekah sighed. "I know you have something to say Nik, so spill." She edged him on.

"Fine." Klaus slammed the book shut. As he stood up in front of his sister. "Our sister had gone and left nothing but that," he pointed at the crystal around the blondes necks which Rebekah touched. "thing." He started his lecture. "And you're here partying instead of convincing her to come back home."

"She's old enough to make her own decisions Nik as am I." Rebekah exclaimed with a huff. "So stop trying to make her come back. The more you try, the more she's going to retaliate Nik. You know how she is." Rebekah warned.

"You know, you're pathetic at trying to fit in." Klaus sat at the blonde. "It's never going to work Rebekah and we both know that. I mean, it never has before." He spoke the last bit more of a whisper with a small smug smirk but he he made sure his tone was loud enough for the blonde to hear him.

Rebekah shook her head, knowing perfectly well that the hybrid in front of her was pissed about Amelia being more stubborn than him.

"No brother, what's pathetic is you thinking she'll just follow you to the ends of the earth like I would. You see, Amelia's not a fool like me." Rebekah smirked, knowing she finally got back at the brother who daggered her for so long.

Rebekah gave Klaus a wide grin before turning on the spot and walking out of the house. Klaus clenched his jaw, knowing what his little sister just said was true. His lips sat in a fine line as the anger danced in his eyes.

A few seconds hadn't even passed before the front door bell rang.

Klaus walked over to the door as he pulled it open. "I knew you would come to your senses sooner rather than later little sister, I just didn't expect it wou..." but he stopped after seeing who rang the door bell.

It definitely wasn't Rebekah like he thought it was. In front of him stood a boy who looked like he he'd been diagnosed with amnesia and knocked on the wrong door.

"And who might you be?" Klaus questioned as he looked at the boy confused.

His little human heart was pounding against his chest. He was nervous, he reeked of it.

Klaus looked over his shoulders to see if he was alone or with someone. He was alone. "I'm em... I've come... I need... she..." he stuttered.

His eyes searched around and behind Klaus like he'd misplaced something. His hands floated about as he tried to get his words to form a real sentence.

He had a big back bag on his back like he was here to stay. The bag looked as if it would pull him to the floor any second. Like the bag was much stronger than the owner.

"I'm going to need a bit more than that mate." Klaus spoke with a look of irritation. He wasn't amused one bit at the person who stood in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm just nervous." He laughed it off with a nervous laugh.

"I hadn't noticed." Klaus spoke as he turned around and walked back into the parlour.

The stranger stood there, at the door, for a second not knowing if that meant to follow the hybrid or leave.

But he left the door open so that meant you can come in, right? No one leaves the door open, right?

He walked into the parlour to find Klaus sitting at the bar holding a drink in his hand.

"I'll make this quick, who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Klaus questioned. His tone wasn't inviting one bit. It was actually a little cold and irritant.

"Sorry," the intruder shook his head like he was stuck in a day dream. "I'm looking for Amelia, Amelia Mikaelson." He announced.

"And who's looking for her?" Klaus questioned with a raised brow at the boy. He knew his sister had been going under different names so who was this who knew her real name? Why was he looking for Amelia?

"I just said," he chuckled as he pointed to himself. "Me." He spoke like Klaus was pulling some kind of prank on him.

Klaus let a chuckle escape his lips as he swallowed the alcohol he had in his mouth. "Let me make myself clear," Klaus spoke as he instantly appeared in front of the person who was getting on his nerves.

"I'm in no mood for jokes." Klaus could see the fear radiating in the boys eyes. It took everything in him not to pass out in front of the hybrid due to how scared he was.

"Ri-right," he shook his head. "Sorry, I thought that you meant..." but he didn't finish his sentence as he looked into Klaus unimpressed eyes. "I'm just really looking for Amelia." He sighed in a shaky voice as he stepped away from the hybrid a little, hoping the hybrid wouldn't realise but Klaus did.

"Who the hell are you?" Klaus asked irked as he took the final sip of his drink.

"I'm... I'm a friend of hers." He announced and Klaus paused for a second. A smirk made it's way to the hybrids face as he looked the boy up and down.

"You're friends with Amelia?" He chuckled at the boy. "Is this some kind of joke." Klaus scoffed.

"Trust me, I wouldn't be standing here in front of you if I didn't need to see Amelia." He scoffed in fear.

Klaus observed the boy in front of him and it took him a second to realise, "You know what I am." He smirked.

The boy couldn't stop looking at the mans eyes. And without realisation, his thoughts came slipping through his tongue. "You know, you have the same eyes." His eyes went wide, realising he just spoke out loud and not in his head like he though he did.

"A vam-vampire, like Amelia." The scared boy announced in a mouse like voice, not knowing if that was the best decision he's ever made but it was the only one he could think, hoping the vampire didn't hear his previous statement.

Klaus let a laugh escape his lips at the boy. "Well hybrid if we're being technical but..."

"You're Klaus." The boys eyes went wide with realisation and Klaus' head shot up at him.

"Who the hell are you?" Klaus spoke as he took a threatening step towards the already scared boy. "And how do you know Amelia?!" He added.

"I'm... I'm...." He stuttered as he took a few steps backwards to create some distance between him and the hybrid in front of him.

"Speak before I rip your tongue out!" Klaus demanded the boy.

"I'm Harry, Harry Anderson."

HJSJDBELWHS!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooo I know what you're thinking and I wanna kindly request that you don't hate me.
Please :)

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