Chapter Eighteen

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First day of senior year. Hand in hand, Harry and Mili made their way into the school. They stood in front of the lockers and Mili pushed Harry against the locker gently and smirked. "Is there something I can help you with?" Harry asked all too innocently with a smile of his own.

"Oh there definitely is." Mili said as she connected her lips with Harry's.

"Well prank nights gonna to be a great success, that's no thanks to you of course." Summer interrupted the two, making their kiss short lived. "Your boyfriend yes," she said pointing to Harry before pointing back to Mili "but you, no!" She said in an irritated tone.

"And good morning to you too Summer." Mili said with a scoff.

"Aww, aren't you two cute." Summer spoke with nothing but sarcasm and disgust in her voice as she looked between the two. "Now if you could step away from your boyfriend for just a second and actually help, I'm having a life crisis here!" Summer spoke dramatically.

Mili scoffed "and what might that be?" She asked with a roll of her eyes.

"Maybe that she's only wearing one earring?" Harry spoke slightly confused as to why Summer was only wearing one earring.

Summer instantly touched both of her ears to find one actually missing. Summer gasped out load dramatically before pulling all of her hair to the side of the ear with the missing earring as she instantly stomped away embarrassed.

Mili and Harry both giggle to themselves. "Did you just make Summer go all red in the face in the middle of the hallways?" Mili said with a fake gasp. "I think that's the first non-nice thing you've ever done, I'm so proud of you." She said as she connected her lips to Harry's again. She couldn't help but smile into the kiss, it's all she ever did when she was with Harry, smile and laugh.

"Mili!!" She heard Summer's voice echo from near the girls bathroom.

"And that's my que." she sighed as she placed one more kiss on Harry's lips.

As Mili went to walk away from Harry, he kept his hands wrapped around her waist, not letting go, as pulled her back in close to himself. "Are you sure you can't make an exception and just compelled her already?" Harry proposed not wanting Mili to leave.

"Oh no, I'm definitely rubbing of on you." She said as she placed a final kiss to his lips and started pulled away from the boy with the brown eyes, making her way towards Summer.

"I'll see you in history." Harry called out from behind her.

"Can't wait!" She replied before disappearing of down the corridor.


School had been going great. Actually, it had been going really great. Everything was perfect but everyone knows that nothing perfect lasts. In fact, there is no such thing as perfect.

The quite was always the quite before a real storm hits. The happy was always there before all the heart break and tears come crushing in and if anyone believed otherwise, they were either fools or were living in a fairytale.


After deciding to ditch the rest of the school day, Harry and Mili walked back to Mili's house, hand in hand. Weirdly, it didn't take much for Mili to convince Harry to skip the whole day with her. It was the first time he had skipped a day off school and he was pretty calm to Mili's surprise. She would of thought that he would of been slightly more panicky or nervous. She thought he would be like 'what if my dad finds out?!' Or 'we shouldn't do this!' But he was fine.

"Hey, not that I want to come across as the jealous boyfriend or anything but there's some dude starring at you from across the street." Harry said with narrowed eyes as Mili was opening the front door. She turned around to see a man standing across the street starring right at them. Mili's eyes widened as she felt a chill run along the back of her neck.

No! This can't be happening! How the hell is he here?

"Do you know him?" Harry asked oblivious to the danger he was in.

"Harry get inside the house, now!!" Mili demanded as she shoved Harry in through the open door in front of herself. Her breathing picked up as she paced back and fourth confused.

"Mili, are you okay? What's going on? Who is that guy?" Harry question confused and not even seconds later, all the windows in the house shattered. Mili instantly put her hands over Harry to protect him from the glass flying around them.

Mili dragged Harry through to the kitchen. "Get down and stay down." She spoke in concern for the boy as she dragged him down beside the nearest kitchen island. Harry instantly obliged and Mili could feel the fear radiating of off him. He would be stupid to not be afraid.

Mili grabbed the crystal around her neck that Harry noticed she always had on. "Esme, I need you." She spoke with her eyes squeezed shut tight and a glow radiated off the crystal in Mili's grip.

"Aren't you meant to be in school." A voice spoke in a mocking tone and as they both looked in front of them, there stood Esme. Harry let a weird sound escape his lips, like a startled yelp. As Esme looked around the kitchen, concern grew on her face. "What's happening?" She asked the girl as her teasing tone instantly vanished.

"How did she just..." Harry began to ask as he pointed to Esme who appeared out of thin air.

"She's a witch." Mili cleared his confusion.

"Right, a witch." Harry exclaimed as he watched the woman standing in front of them. "Of course, why not?" Harry mumbled overwhelmed.

"Amelia, what's happening?" Esme asked again, concerned by the lack of windows in the house and all the glass covering the floor.

"It's Daniel, he's right outside." Amelia spoke with a hint of fear in her voice but mostly bewilderment.

"Daniel? But he's..."

"Dead. Daniel is suppose to be dead." Amelia finished Esme's sentence as both girl's looked at each other in sock.

"That guys supposed to be dead?" Harry spoke with wide eyes again. His hands became clammy as a shiver ran down his spine. "Well it's safe to say that I'm officially freaked out of my mind now." Harry added with a nervous laugh.

Just then, a piece of wood came flying through the air and indented the far side of the kitchen wall. "Esme, I need you to watch over my town." Amelia spoke as she pulled Esme down beside herself.

"Wait, your going?" Harry asked confused as his head shot towards the brunette next to him.

"But where're you going?" Esme asked confused.

Where could she possibly go when her towns coming crumbling down by a dead, old as time witch, who's also meant to be dead?

"I'm going to see the people that are most probably the reason for all of this mayhem." Amelia spoke with a strong scoff. "I'm going to Mystic bloody Falls."

What'd you think :)

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