Chapter Nine

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The principal's chair spun around and Mili's facial expression went from confused to angry.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"Sister hear me out." He instantly spoke with his hands slightly raised in surrender as he could see the girls anger rising by the second.

"No Elijah I won't!" She raged. "You have not called or messaged me in days and now you turn up to my town, my school and demand that I hear your petty explanation! Oh, I think not brother!"

"You have every right to be mad Amelia but..."

"Mad! Oh mad does not even come close brother. I called you and I messaged but nothing. And now you," she yelled but Elijah cut her off.

"I was daggered with a silver blade that had been dipped into ash from the white oak tree." Elijah informed with a sigh as he stood directly in front of the girl and Amelia was left completely shocked.

"What?! But how? Are y..."

"I'm fine." He informed and Amelia instantly pulled him into a hug. A smile made its way onto the older originals face and a small chuckle left his lips.

As much as Amelia might say that she was only doing this brother sister thing for Elijah's happiness, she herself was overjoyed. All she had ever wanted was family and she finally got that but when Elijah didn't call for a few days, it freaked her out. Amelia pulled away from Elijah's embrace and widened her eyes.

"And he smiles." She teased.

"I hate to ruin the moment sister but we need to talk." Elijah says and Amelia scoffs.

"Of course we do." She said with a roll of eyes. "But first we should deal with my principal, don't you think?" She said looking over his should to see the man standing there still looking down at the now empty chair like he was in some sort of trance.


After compelling the principal to forget everything, Elijah compelled him to only remember that Amelia had a family emergency, hence why she had to leave school early.

"Mili." A familiar voice called out as the siblings were making their way down the hallway and towards the exit. Amelia closed her eyes shut tight as a sigh left her lips. She knew exactly who it was behind her and she knew that she was going to have to lie to him, again. She heard his footsteps getting closer and closer until they stopped right behind her.

She turned in her spot as did Elijah. "Hey, is everything okay?" Harry asked concerned as his eyes travelled between her and Elijah.

"Everything's okay, Harry."

"Who's this?" Harry asked with a slightly cocked head. Even though Harry seemed brave on the outside, Elijah could hear his scared little heartbeat clear as day beating in his chest.

"This is my brother." Mili said truthfully.


"Yes, my biological family reached out to me recently and this is my brother." Amelia replied. Well, she wasn't lying.

"Wow, Mili that's great." Harry said showcasing his dimples again and Amelia couldn't help but smile. "Hey, but where are you going?" He asked and Amelia's smile instantly disappeared. Elijah could tell that his little sister cared for the human in front of them. He could tell by the way she looked at him, the way she smiled at him, and the way her heartbeat changed when she spoke to him. Elijah looked at Amelia, waiting to hear what her reply would be to this particular question.

"I em... well, my brother Elijah here," she said as she pointed to Elijah, "is taking me to see my other brother. The doctors don't think he's going to make it through the night." Amelia said with clearly a fake frown. Elijah tried his best to hold in his laugh.

"Oh Mili, I'm so sorry." Harry said as he pulled her into a hug. One of his warm hands sat on the small of her back as the other hand rubbed her upper back slightly. This was the first time harry had hugged her and she felt an unfamiliar tingling feeling in her stomach. It felt oddly nice. She closed her eyes as she let herself drown in the feeling. She breathed in his cologne and it was like an escape hatch into heaven.

Surely, no one can smell this good.

From the smallest scent of his cologne, to his deep hypnotic voice - he was so easy to get addicted to. He was like Amelia's own personal brand of heroin, she just couldn't get enough of him.

For a second, Amelia almost forgot that she was standing in the empty school corridor and the fact that her brother was standing right next to her. Amelia opened her eyes and saw a smile hovering over Elijah's lips as he used his hand to help over it.

"Amil- I mean Mili, we should really get going." Elijah said as Harry and Amelia pulled out of the hug.

"Yeah, I'll see you later Harry." And with that they were off. For some reason she felt a lump form in her throat when she lied to Harry, but only Harry. It didn't feel right to Amelia. Anyone else she can lie to with ease but with Harry, it's different and she didn't understand why.

"Really, the doctors don't think he'll make it then?" Elijah teased and Amelia hit his arm.

"Don't start Lijah."

"Who would have thought, our little Amelia in love." Elijah outed his sister.

"In love?" Amelia spoke with raised brows and a dramatic scoff. "You're delusional brother." Amelia said with a shake of her head and Elijah chuckled.

"If you say so, sister." Elijah said with a wide smile.

Was she in love with Harry? Surely not. She barely knew the boy and he was human for crying out loud. Amelia couldn't possibly fall for a young naive human like Harry, could she?


As the two siblings drove past the 'welcome to Mystic Falls' sign, Amelia decided to break the silence once again. "I'm asking you to rethink your decision Lijah, he is our brother after all." Amelia said not too keen of the idea of murdering Klaus.

"You're really trying to get me to change my mind sister?!" Elijah spoke shocked as he looked between her and the road in front of them as he drove. "Niklaus has taken our family from us, he took you from us, he..."

"That was not Nik's doing brother and we both know that. Nik was not the one that abandoned me centuries ago, that great deed was done by our mother." Amelia spoke with nothing but hatred for her mother as she defended her other brother. Elijah was speechless. He didn't expect this from Amelia.

"Are you truly defending him right now Amelia? It is not Niklaus' reaction you fear once he has learnt the truth? Is he not whom you have been hiding from this whole time? This is for the better little Amelia. You will soon come to see that." Elijah tried to explain to the girl.

"He didn't deserve death Lijah. He might have done questionable things but haven't we all? We are all monsters and all damaged in our own ways, some just more than others." Amelia tired again to convince her brother to change his mind but failed again.

"My mind is made little one, just keep yourself out of sight. Promise me you won't let him see you." Elijah was conceded to say the least. If Niklaus saw Amelia before the sacrifice today and he recalls who she is, it might rain blood. He was worried for his little sisters safety.

"He wouldn't know who I was even if he did see me." She mumbled. Her tone was quite and low. She hated that her family didn't know who she was but it was safer that way. That's what she kept telling herself. Whenever she would be tempted to meet her family over the centuries, that's what she told herself and turned away every time.

"Amelia promise me." Elijah said as he looked over at his sister. She sat in the passenger seat with her head low. She bit the inside of her cheek as she looked down at her hands in her lap. Her left thumb traced over the ring on her right thumb. A ring she had kept on that thumb for centuries now. A ring that reminded her of who she truly was every time she became someone else.

"I won't. I promise Elijah."

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