Chapter Six

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When Elijah had returned to Mystic Falls, he saw everything differently. Of course, he had given Amelia his word that he would not tell anyone about her but a secret like that was gradually getting more and more difficult to hide. He believed that his sister should not have to hide in the shadows but also knew Amelia was right when she said Niklaus would not understand so easily. He knew that Amelia yearned to be with people that loved her, her family. He just hoped she would willingly step out of the shadows one day.

"Welcome home, brother," Elijah heard Niklaus say who was sitting on a rocking chair as Elijah walked in "you didn't mention this sudden trip of yours to me," his hands sat on his stomach with his fingers entwined "or to anyone for that matter."

"It was so sudden I had no time to inform you Niklaus," Elijah replied "not that I am obliged to tell you anything." He mumbled and Klaus smirked, he then got up of his seat.

"What are you hiding from me, brother?" He asked after a short pause in which he slowly stepped closer to his brother.

"Are you really so paranoid, Niklaus? I go on one trip and you think I am hiding something from you?" Elijah turned his back on his brother and forced a laugh.

"Oh, I don't think you're hiding something from me, brother," Klaus replied "I know." He snarled from behind his brother.


Mili was walking through the school and, after her somewhat expected meeting with her brother Elijah, she was more terrified than ever. For the first time in years, the young girl felt vulnerable. She felt alone. She felt endangered. Now that the magic had been lifted of one of her siblings, it was just a matter of time until the others would find her. Even though Elijah had promised her he wouldn't tell anyone, Mili had a strange feeling that it wouldn't be long until she would have to face her family again.

Part of her was yearning more than anything to see her family again; after years and years of being alone, Mili wanted the reassurance of being with loved ones. Being with family. However, the smarter part of Mili knew that being all alone was much safer. Even though she may have that feeling like something was always missing, she was still much safer. She placed some books in her locker and flinched when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned to the side to see a pair of shimmering brown eyes looking at her and thought maybe she wasn't so alone after all.

"Hey," he smiled as he leaned against the locker "what's wrong?" He asked and his tone quickly changed from happy to concerned.

"Nothing," she shrugged at him "why?"

"You look scared. I don't bite," he joked with a chuckle and Mili smiled as she closed her locker and walked with him to class "did you finish your part of the project?" He asked and Mili bit her lip.

"No, I had guests around last night," she said and realised it technically wasn't a lie "I'll finish it tonight." She finished as they sat down next to each other.

"Well I haven't really finished my part yet so we could do it at my house again if you want." He spoke quickly and nervously and it made Mili chuckle.

"Okay, I'll see you there." She smiled as the teacher walked in.

But that evening, Amelia never reached Harry's house...

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