Chapter Eight

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Weeks have past since the Salvatore brothers interference with Amelia's life and since then nothing had happened. She had been waking every morning and living a normal life. Well, as normal as it could be. Once Amelia or Mili returned back to her own small town, she found that Harry had messaged and even called her. She messaged him late at night that she had a family emergency and he almost instantly replied, almost as if he was waiting for her message. He believed her, just like he believed her lies before. Just like she knew he would.

Mili had reconnected to her brother Elijah and he called everyday to speak to his little sister. Even though Mili couldn't care less, Elijah would tell her about everything that had happened in the town of Mystic Falls regarding the latest Petrova doppelgänger, the Salvatore's and her not so charming brother, Niklaus.

Mili almost felt as she was apart of the whole mess as Elijah blabbed on and on about it a whole lot. A few nights had passed and Elijah hadn't called which was strange, seeming as he has been eager to talk to his youngest sister all the days before those ones.

But Mili brushed it under the rug as she had her 'normal' life awaiting her and Elijah could handle himself to say the least. Mili debated calling the Salvatore brothers but decided against it as she didn't want to be caught up in all the drama going on in Mystic Falls. She knew if she even called once or stepped foot in that town, it would be almost impossible to leave the town she had once called home. A town where she made memories that she will forever cherish.


Mili made her way through the packed hallways of her high school. She reached her locker and opened it, placing all the books she was holding inside it apart from one. She made her way towards her history classroom and upon entering the classroom, her eyes instantly met with a brown pair that automatically bought a smile to her face. She walked over to Harry and he had already removed his bag for Mili.

"Hey you," Mili said with a genuine smile.
A genuine smile, that's something Mili had been doing a lot recently and it's always around Harry. Just being near him bought a smile to the girls face and she couldn't understand why.

"Hey." He said back with a smile of his own, showcasing his dimples. She loved it when he smiled so wide that his dimples would appear. It always made her smile widen. It was almost as if his smile was contagious, only effecting Mili.

"Are we still on for that movie tomorrow?" Harry asked. He had become comfortable around Mili with in the space of days. She was just so different then everyone else in the school but Harry didn't quite know just how different she was.

"Why wouldn't we be? Don't tell me you have somewhere better to be Anderson?" Amelia teased the boy with a finger pencil pointed at his.

"Guess I'll take that as a yes then." Harry laughed but before anything else could be said, the teacher walked into the room. The lesson started but only minutes into it, the principal walked into the class. Everyone stopped what they were doing as all attention when to him.

"Sorry to disturb your lesson but Mili, you'll need to came with me." He said as Mili furrowed her brow in complete confusion. Why had the principal come to get her? He never came to get anyone. He would just send a message but never come himself. Harry looked at the girl also confused and she shrugged her shoulders at him with a little shake of her head.

She stood up and was about to walk towards the front of the classroom when the principal stopped her. "I think you should bring your bag with you dear." He said leaving Mili even more confused then ever now.

What the hell was bloody going on?! Why did she need to take her bag with her and where the hell was she going?

She packed her things up and everyone around her whispered to each other. Mili followed the principal out of the classroom and into the hallway.

"I'm sorry sir but what's going on?" She asked following the mans footsteps. But he just glimpsed back at her before continuing to walk. Honestly, he was angering Mili by the second. If she wanted, she could shove him against the multiple lockers they were passing by and just compel him to tell her. She hated not knowing, but she had promised herself that she wouldn't used any of her supernatural abilities this time unless absolutely necessary.

They reached his office and he walked into it as Mili stood in the hallway debating if she should go in or not. She hesitantly pushed the door open to see the principal standing facing his own chair, which was turned around, facing the wall behind it.

She new someone else was in this office, she could hear their heartbeat. But who? Why did they get the principal to get Mili to the office? What did they want? Who was it?

Who do you guys think it is?

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