Chapter Thirty Four

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In the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan and Damon argued about why Damon turned Bonnies mom into a vampire when Stefan was the one that lost the coin toss.

"I do love her." Damon agreed. He held a glass of blood in his hand as he made his way towards Stefan's bedroom door.

"And I thought I could win her from you fair and square. She didn't want me." Damon spoke referring to Elena.

"It's for the best. I'm better at being the bad guy anyway." Damon remarked with a smirk that sat on his lips, which Stefan could tell was forced. He spoke as he walked towards the door to leave the bedroom.

"And what about Amelia?" Stefan questioned and Damon stopped in his tracks. With a sigh, he turned back around to face his younger brother.

"What about Amelia Stef?" He scoffed with a raised brow and a small shrug of his shoulders.

He took a sip of the blood as he waited for his little brother to explain like he knew he would of.

"You love her too Damon. I'm not blind." Stefan stated and Damon rolled his eyes.

"Good for you Stef." Damon mocked. "Eyesight is very important." He spoke with a witty smirk.

"You're trying to pretend like you hate her because that's just easier, isn't it?" Stefan called him out.

"You knew she was going to hate you after what we did so you're tryin..." Stefan continued referring to Damon siding with Esther but Damon stopped Stefan before he could say anything else.

"Let me stop you right there Stefan." Damon spoke in his cocky tone as he raised his glass slightly.

"You're no therapist baby bro so go back to your day job of killing cute defenceless little rabbits." Damon said as he raised his glass to his brother and went to leave the bedroom.

"Also," Damon stopped in his tracks as he turned back to face his brother.

"Didn't you also confess your undying love for her when when you were having a little moment while she staked you with a broken piece of the new coffee table leg?" Damon scrunched his nose.

"Good times, am I right?" Damon smirked as he raised his drink at Stefan and Stefan just rolled his eyes at his brother.

"We have a history together Damon, and because of that, a part of me will always love her." Stefan explained to his jealous brother.

"We never broke up or fell out of love Damon, she tried compelling me to forget her." Stefan spoke in a stern voice.

"So what you're saying is that you're still hopelessly in love with her as well as Elena," Damon smirked as Stefan signed. "See, we're not that different after all baby brother."

"There is a different Damon," Stefan almost yelled. "We have a past, where you've just met her, fell in love and pissed her off when you tried to kill her whole family not including her." Stefan stressed, obviously irritated by having to explain to his brother.

Damon wore a forced smirk before he spoke. "Wasn't just me Stef, you also had a little something to do with that and don't you forget that." Damon reminded the younger Salvatore as he turned back around and went to walk out of the door.

"You don't want to admit it because it's gonna get complicated. Loving two woman at the same time, it scares you, knowing you're gonna loose one of them no matter what." Stefan explained and Damon let a dramatic sigh leave his lips as he stopped again.

"You're scared that you're gonna turn into her. Your scared because you think you're doing exactly what Katherine did to us." Stefan added as Damon stood at the doorway with his back to his younger brother.

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