Chapter Twenty Four

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It had been a few days now and Amelia was still playing along with Damon and Stefan's stupid games. She was still in the Salvatore boarding house with the boundary spell keeping her from escaping. As board as she was, she didn't want certain secrets of hers to be exposed so soon.

"You just can't stay away, can you?" Amelia spoke, knowing exactly who stood behind her at the door frame.

"Well, I thought I could keep you some company, you know, seeming as you can't leave and all." Klaus mused with a smirk on his face.

"And he's a liar as well, who would have known?" Amelia spoke sarcastically with a fake gasp as she continued to make her way upstairs.

Klaus chucked. "Aren't you going to show me some hospitality, love?" Klaus asked with his arms spread out either side of him as Amelia stopped on the step she was on. She turned to face her brother with a smirk of her own on her lips.

"It's not my house, I'm only the prisoner, remember?" Amelia pointed out as she disappeared upstairs. She heard her brother turn the music on downstairs and rolled her eyes. As Amelia laid in the guest bedroom, the crystal around her neck stared to glow causing Amelia to let out a huff.

"Amelia, what are you doing here?" Esme questioned as she stood in front of the bed Amelia laid on and looked around the room confused.

Amelia sat up with a huff. "Well old friend, I've been locked in this house by a boundary spell." Amelia informed the witch.

Esme let out a chuckle. "A boundary spell and holding you back, do you honestly take me for a fool?" Esme said with a shake of her head as she walked around the room slightly, observing it as she walked around.

"It's true. The truth and nothing but the truth. I have no reason to lie now." Amelia said with a smirk and Esme instantly knew that Amelia was up to something. She instantly knew that there was a devil's like plan cooking up in that head of hers, there always was.

"You're planning something? Whatever are you planning to do Amelia?" Esme asked intrigued as she walked back over to the girl on the bed.

"Oh, I have no idea what your talking about, darling. Little old me and planning something?" Amelia lied as a smirk played on her lips. "Anyhow, enough about me and my plans. Tell me friend, how did the little quest that I sent you on go?" Amelia questioned instantly. Just as the witch went to talk again, Amelia tapped on her ear and Esme knew exactly what she was referring to. Esme closed the door to the bedroom with a wave of her arm. Esme stood in the middle of the room and whispered something under her breath as she slowly walked around the room.

After completing the spell, Esme turned to face Amelia. "Have I ever disappointed you before?" Esme spoke with a smirk of her own.

"Well go on then, don't be shy." Amelia smirked as she waited for Esme to start talking.


Soon after, Stefan entered the Salvatore boarding house and saw Klaus sitting in a chair, drinking alcohol and with the music blaring. Stefan walked into he parlour and turned down the music.

"Eh, what a party pooper." Amelia stated as she came back down after her very amusing chat with her old friend Esme.

Stefan looked up at Amelia with narrowed eyes as he was confused that Amelia and Klaus were in the same room together let alone the same house. Amelia sent Stefan a wink as he rolled his eyes and his attention went back to the uninvited hybrid that was sitting in his parlour. "What are you doing here, Klaus?"

"Enjoying our stalemate." Klaus said with a smirk as he drank another sip of his drink. Amelia went over to the couch and laid down with her legs stretched out in front of her.

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