Chapter Forty

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Bonnie stood chanting in front of several lit candles as Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Jeremy and the Bennett witches newest boyfriend, Jamie surrounded her. "She does this all the time, right?" The new boyfriend, Jamie spoke in concern for the witch.

Esther had trapped them all in the school after using Rebekah's body to see her plan through.

Quite the cunning witch really.

Before another word could be uttered, the doors swung wide open and a worried Sebastian came speeding with Amelia in his arms.

"Amelia." Klaus, Damon and Stefan all exclaimed in unison.

"She did something to her." Sebastian said in a panicked voice as he placed Amelia's lifeless corpse like body on an empty table.

"What happened?!" Klaus demanded to know in a worried tone as he walked over to his youngest sister immediately and examined her state.

"I don't... I don't know."

"Who did something to her?!" Damon instantly questioned the blonde vampire.

"It was Esther, she did something to her an-and..." Sebastian stuttered as he looked at Klaus, hoping that the hybrid would know what Esther did to Amelia. Klaus listened carefully and all he heard was silence. She didn't have a heart beat, not even a faint one. His heart sank as he saw his helpless sister on the table. His heart ached at the sight of the girl who he once promised to protect from anyone or anything. He hated himself at the thought of not being able to protect her like he promised he would.

"You swear swear?"
"I swear swear."

The words of his promise rang in his head as he watched Amelia. As he watched the girl whom he failed. He made that promise to her three times and hadn't been able to keep his word once. His eyes stung with pain as tears built up in them. He should of been there to protect her. He should of been there.

"She's not dead." Bonnie spoke as she opened her eyes and walked closer to the table Amelia occupied. Klaus' head instantly shot towards the witch as a wave of relief washed over him. "I can feel her from across the room." Bonnie added as she stood directly beside Amelia and placed a hand on her forehead. Bonnie closed her eyes as she inhaled in deeply. After letting the breath that she held back go, Bonnie opened her eyes as she looked between the men that surrounded the brunette. "I think I can reach her."


"No, you need to focus on lifting the barrier spell." Klaus protested. Sebastian, Stefan and Damon were determined to get Bonnie to wake Amelia first but Klaus was being stubborn and wanted Bonnie to remove the barrier spell before helping his littlest sister.

"Tell me you're joking?!" Sebastian scoffed as he watched the hybrid in disbelief. He couldn't believe that Klaus would put the stupid barrier before his own sister.

"We don't know what Esther has done to her. We don't know what staying like this will do to her." Damon growled at Klaus.

"It's killing me to say this but the Salvatores right." Sebastian agreed with Damon. "We have to-"

"Enough!" Bonnie almost yelled. "If I can get Amelia back, she'll be able to siphon the magic from the barrier spell." Bonnie explained.

"No!" Klaus continued to argue. "If you lift that spell then she'll disappear off to wherever she keeps running off to." He voiced his worries.

He was scared that he would loose the reckless girl for good. Now that he knew she was alive, he didn't want her out of his sight again.

"Klaus, she could be dying."
"Really that's what you're worried about?"

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