Chapter Thirty Two

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I know it's a little late than usual but I've finally finished editing this one and y'all are gonna be happy to know that it's another long one. Enjoy :)

Amelia sits on the couch in the Salvatore boarding house as she flicked through a magazine. The magazine however, was not what she was really interested in. she wore back ripped skinny jeans paired with back heals, which clicked against the wooded floor as she tapped them in boredom.

A smirk danced on her lips as she heard footsteps getting closer and closer to her. "It's lovely to see that you've finally got over your blonde, boring and extremely pathetic crush Bekah but this," she said as she pointed between the two, "is disturbing on so many levels." She spoke with a scoff.

They both stood there not aware that Amelia was in the boarding house until she spoke. Rebekah stood there with her blonde hair a complete mess and her makeup from last night smudged. Damon stood there topless as his eyes widened at the sight of the girl.

"Melia." Rebekah exclaimed.

"And you," Amelia spoke as she pointed to Damon, "making your way through the Mikaelson's nicely I see." She huffed.

"So tell me, is it going to be Elijah or Nik in those silk sheets of yours next?" She mocked but Amelia didn't even try to hide the irritation she felt.

"Don't tell me you're jealous, princess? After all, you did spend the whole evening with some British dyed blonde yourself, remember?" Damon spat as he rolled his eyes and that's when Amelia realised that he was jealous. He was bloody jealous of Sebastian!

He can't be serious?!

Amelia vamp sped Damon againt the wall behind him. "No Damon, you don't get to act like the angry jealous boyfriend because you spent the whole night fetching the bones that Elena Gilbert was throwing around and just slept with my sister." Amelia growled, the anger clearly emitted off her with every word she spoke.

"Also, you're not my boyfriend sweetheart, so stop bloody acting like it. Understand?!" Amelia added.

Damon looked at the girl and he knew she was right. He spent the whole night trying to keep Elena away from Esther, which he failed at by the way, that he completely forgot about Amelia. He was so hung up on Elena that he didn't even dance with the girl he escorted to the ball, not even once.

"Ehh," Rebekah growled. "Can you not shout, I've got a killer headache." She said as she rubbed her temple.

Amelia looked into Damon's eyes and saw slight guilt seeping through the blue of his eyes. She knew that he knew that she was right. Amelia let out a scoff as she shook her head. She removed her hand from his chest as she stepped away from the dark haired, shirtless vampire.

"Let's go Bekah." She said as she grabbed her sisters hand and headed for the door, with Rebekah hot on her trail.

"Amelia wait." Damon called out as he followed the two girls. As Amelia reached the door and grabbed the handle, Damon placed his hand on her's in means to stop her. "Just listen to me." Amelia looked down at his hand on hers before looked up at the vampire.

Before Amelia could say a word to Damon, Rebekah took his hand of Amelia's and positioned herself in between the two. "Before I leave," she said as she stepped closer to him, "I just wanted to make it clear that we're not going to make a big deal out of this, understand." She spoke in a demanding tone.

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