23: Surprises

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The picture on top says it all 😁 and since Grells a man but some people might like calling him her or she, I'll have things like man/woman, his/her, he/she written so you can call our lovely redhead whatever you want.
I looked at her, never feeling so alive. "Grace . . . I'm still in love with him."

(Y/N)s POV:

"Y-your what?" "I'm still I'm love with him, Grace." I dropped my head back on the pillow, there was soo much going on in my mind, I felt alive when being a Reaper when I'm really dead. "You know how about we have breakfast, and then we talk a bit about this during lunch, then again during supper," she said. "Alright," I couldn't get a smile off my face, who knew it took the day that I met him to the times that we made love for me to realize that I love him.
"Grace, this's going to be an interesting day."

💀🖤time skip🖤💀

We had lunch in my office, "So tell me, how do you know that you love him?"
"I remembered everything from the day we met to . . . our first time if you know what I mean." "Ok there I don't need every single detail," she said. I couldn't help but laugh, if I was going to give every single detail I'd have to be drunk. "*sigh* I also did what housemistress Michaelis suggested and listened to my heart."
"Good, good, you know maybe you should tell her about this." "I will." I'll tell a Demon that I listened to her advice, and now I know how I feel about my ex.

3rd person POV:

Just outside a butler was ease dropping, he didn't mean for it to happen, it just happened. I should head to my dorm, he'll be waiting he thought, and he—or in this case she—was. They didn't talk until the door locked.
"What took you so long?" The young Lord asked. "You'll forgive me when I tell you my Lord, that we might just be leaving here soon." And so like the ladies they look like, they gossiped. "This's perfect," Ciel said, "we'll have them meet tomorrow—"
"Wait, my Lord, at least let me talk to her and confirm it." "Alright, but tonight we'll meet with the Undertaker and tell him."

💀🖤a few hours later🖤💀

(Y/N)s POV:

"Headmistress, there's someone out here who would like to speak to you."
"Very well let them in." I was looking through papers when I found this new one filled out in red ink. "Oh that's mine darling, it tells you all about me." I looked up—thank god I was wearing my glasses—and I could tell who ever this man/woman is, he/she's a Grim Reaper. "Who are you, and what do you want?" "Well if you read that paper about me, you'll know what I want." I couldn't tell if this Reaper was a male or female, sounds like a male—even though his voice cracks a bit—but looks female. "Grella Sutcliff, what sort of name is Grella?" I asked. "Well daddy wanted a boy but he got a girl so he added the letter a at the end of my name." Ok so I guess he's a boy but I'll figure that out later. "I just have one question for you, Grella, what the hell's a Grim Reaper doing here? and you know I'm telling the truth because no human in the world could have eyes like ours."

"Alright, you caught me, I am a Grim Reaper." I can check that off my list, "Now what are you doing here?" He/she didn't look sure about what he/she should say. "Well as you know all we ladies do is type type type, so I decided to try and start a life up here in the human world, and since I heard this was the best college here, I was wondering if I could be a beauty tutor and tutor the girls on how to put on makeup and nail polish." This went from a surprisingly happy day to a surprisingly weird one. "Grella, if I say yes you can be a tutor will you leave."
"That depends, can I also wear the teachers clothes but in red?"
"Yes, and yes, but half red half black." "Yeeeeeessssssss I can finally teach girls instead of boys." So I guess he is a male, or what I heard they call drag queens. "There should be a open bed in house pink, if you have any questions go to the perfect of that house, Zoey, she'll explain how things are around here."
"Yes, Headmistress, and don't worry your secret's safe with me." He/she went skipping out of my office.

💀🖤at sunset in the chapel🖤💀

"Why talk to me in here?" She asked. "Because in here you agreed to help me with the dress, offered to make us dinner, and you told me what you could about him."
I couldn't believe I was saying this, "and for that I thank you." "I simply did the right thing, and besides, us girls have to stick together." *sigh* Time to tell her.
"And because of the advice you gave me and what you did, it helped me realize that I love him." "You might wanna repeat that I don't think the alter heard you."
I was actually leaning on the alter. "I said I still love him." "Perfect, now when do I send him a letter?" Someone sounds impatient, "when I'm ready, now there's something else I have to tell you."

💀🖤later at midnight🖤💀

Undertakers POV:

The young Earl sent me a letter just saying two words, good news, and PS: meet me where you had your midnight tea party. I'm here, now where's he?
I started thinking about what the news could be . . . is it about (Y/N)? what am I thinking of course it is. I heard trees rustling, then around the corner came the butler and . . . "HAHAHAHAHA, I-I thought you were a Lord not Lady HAHA."
"Oh shut up," his hair was in two ponytails and he was in a nightgown.
"Now do you want the news or not?" "Please, my Lord allow me. Undertaker, she said she loves you." I stopped just like when she put down the locket.
"What did you say?" "We said that she loves you," the young Earl said.
"How do I know you're not lying to me?" "Because I heard her say it then she told me later in the afternoon," the butler said. "So you were ease dropping on her."
"I didn't mean to, but I heard her at just the right time saying that she remembered everything from the day you two met to the day you—"
Grell came at them from behind, the butler turned around and kicked him in the jawline. "I should have known it was you, I sensed something inhuman in house pink, then saw a lady with red hair." "Hi hi well well what're you doing here?" I asked. "I could say the same thing about you both, I heard there was a Reaper in (S/N) College but I wasn't expecting a Demon—let alone you my love—there also, and a Reaper at the College across the street." "You don't seem to have your death scythe," the butler grabbed him by the neck and started choking him, "so that makes you defenseless." "Sebastian how're we supposed to know what he's doing here if you keep choking him," the young Earl said. "At least restrain him."
"Yes, my Lord." "You know I was hoping I'd be restrained with handcuffs on a bed, but for now I guess this'll do." This night was going from funny to boring, so I brought out my death scythe and pointed the blade at him. "Some of us have College's to run, and classes to attend and tutor tomorrow, so start babbling little Reaper."

"Ok ok I came here to speak to (Y/N)(L/N), please don't cut my hair."
"What do you want with her?" Me, the Earl, and butler said at the same time. If this were another situation I'd laugh, but he's here to talk to my treasurer.
"It's the Grim Reaper Dispatch Association, they're finally letting girls be real Grim Reapers."


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