30: The sports of (S/N) College

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One word, goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooole 😆. And featuring this lovely dress😊

 And featuring this lovely dress😊

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(Y/N)s POV:

I couldn't find it, one of the last pieces that I have of him is gone. Wait, I did see a shadow, was it his? no I would've heard the window open, and that Reaper would rather have his/her beauty sleep . . . then it was.
Knock knock. "Headmistress."
Speak of the devil.
"Come in." She set my breakfast down on the table, "don't you go anywhere Demon." She turned around and put her hands behind her back. "Don't waste your time, I gave it to him to see if it would bring back memories, and I'm sure you wanted the same thing." ". . . did he tell you why he didn't come and see me?" "Well . . . No, I actually showed him then he disappeared, I thought he'd come and see you." He's planning something, he must be planning something.
"Well I'll show myself out, and Headmistress, might I suggest you plan something and ask him first before he asks you." The door shut before I could open my mouth.

💀🖤time skip🖤💀

Who knew he had time to visit today, now I was the one behind the chair.
"You had something to ask me, Headmistress." "Yes I did. Headmaster you and your gentleman have that cricket tournament, while here me and my ladies have a tournament of our own." He came a bit closer to me, "oh really well what do your ladies do exactly?" "They have show jumping, racing on horses, fencing, and archery." He took two steps forward, "oh really?" "Yes, we like to show your college that we can be more than pretty." I couldn't help but cross my arms over my chest. "Would you and your gentleman care to watch us?" Two more steps forward, "I bet your house yellow has never been beaten." He brought out a envelope from inside his coat. "This's for you, I'll show myself out now." I stuck out my hand, "see you in two days, Headmaster." He gave me that kiss on my knuckles, "see you in two days, Headmistress."
That night after dinner I opened the envelope . . . It was the last words he said to me, along with a letter.

Those words belong to you, you have no idea how much it means to me that you kept that peace of paper,
What it said next brought me to my knees and had me holding both papers to my chest.
I just hope one day I'll hear you say those words.

💀🖤2 days later🖤💀

"Alright ladies and gentleman, it's time to jump and race horses." We were all out on our open field, two girls from each house ready to race their stallions . . . and I was nervous. Sure I looked nice—in a yellow dress picked out by Grace—but I was on a small stage with a roof sitting next to him. I felt like all eyes were on us, we were the king and queen again. "Um, Headmistress, why are they still standing there?" I was waiting for him—or even housemistress Michaelis—to say that.
With one clap of my hands the gates opened, and the horses went running.
"You were saying, Headmaster."

🐎time skip🐎

"Well, I wasn't expecting this." I said. "That Cecilia of yours is quite interesting." She beat (FY), no one beats (FY) she's the best girl here on horses. "Pardon me, Headmaster, I've got medals to give." I along with housemistress Michaelis went to put medals around the girls necks, gold for Cecilia, silver for (FY), and bronze for a girl in house pink. "You girls and your noble steeds impressed me today, and I'm sure you impressed the boys of Weston." "Do you really think so, Headmistress?" The pink girl asked. "I know so, now go on and enjoy the festivities before it's time for lunch." "Yes Headmistress." They each went off to their house area. "Oh dear," Bassy said. "What, what is . . . It?"

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