26: The painting

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He was still out there when I got done changing. "(Y/N), there's something I have to ask you." We sat on the bench at the foot of my bed, "(Y/N), do you love me?"

(Y/N)s POV:

I looked at the man in front of me, I moved his hair back to see he man he—sort of—looked like before, I let my hand go down his face I opened my mouth . . .
But nothing came out. "(Y/N), are you alright?" I was frozen stiff, I must look stupid in front of him, say something. "(Y/N), are you—"
"Stay with me."

Undertakers POV:

"Stay with me, please, at least until I fall asleep again." Her hands were shaking, I hope she's not getting ill—even though it wasn't that cold outside, and we Reapers heal fast. I laid her down, tucked her in, and sat on the other side of her bed.
"I won't leave until I hear you breath quietly or hear you snoring."
"You're the one who snores." "Well you said that was only when I was exhausted from working overtime." "Or both." She smiled and closed her lovely eyes.

📚time for the backstory that's the title/here's your outfit for today📚

📚time for the backstory that's the title/here's your outfit for today📚

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(Y/N)s POV:

"You called me over here my love." "Yes I did and you're right on time," he said.
"And what was so important that you had me rushing over here wearing the same blazer I had on for work?" He gave me a kiss, "one word, painting."
Oh this should be interesting. "I thought the word would be dinner, Adrian." "We will have dinner, and a while after that I'll start painting."
"Wait you, why not me?" "That's the best part," he gave me another kiss, pulling me closer to deepen it, "I'll be painting you." Ok this, should be good.

💀🖤time skip🖤💀

I was in nothing but my locket, laying down on his fancy couch in his office.
"Ok put your left hand behind you and your right hand next to your face."
"Like this?"
"Perfect," he put an orchid and (F/F) behind my ear, and a few others on the couch. "Now just relax, and let the artist create his masterpiece." I think his ego is bigger then the number of souls he takes. "Tell me again why I'm naked."
"Because I saw this in a movie and read it in a book, and don't worry you'll look beautiful." I better. He sat down in his chair in front of a canvas the size of his arm, pushed up his sleeves, and grabbed his painting utensils, "just keep your eyes on me." "That I can do." Considering how handsome he looks when he's serous. I hope I don't fall asleep.

"I believe you're blushing Mr. Crevan." The fact that he wasn't looking at me made it more true. "And I believe you're taking when I told you to relax."
"*sigh* Alright fine, how am I looking?" "Better than the Mona Lica." Me, more beautiful than that legendary painting, he might just get a reward if I look as beautiful as he says.

💀🖤time skip🖤💀

He had paint on the tip of his fingers, "Alright, you can get up now." I went and put on his robe, when I looked at the painting, I honestly didn't know what to say. The only things that were in color were the flowers, my locket, and my eyes. "Adrian, my eyes aren't yellow-green." "No they're not, they're (E/C), your eye color when you were alive." A few days ago I had a flashback of when my ex said he loved my (E/C) eyes and I told him, at least now I'll—sorta—have a memory of what I looked like when I was alive.
"So where are you gonna put this?"
"I was thinking about putting it up here, but then your beauty would distract me from work." He sat me on his lap, "And if I must invite someone to my home for work, I don't want them looking at you like you're their next prey."
"No we wouldn't want that." I gave him a little peck on his lips, and we both signed the painting. "I'm sorry for having you lie down for hours," he said.
"Are you kidding," I started unbuttoning his shirt, "you said I looked more beautiful than the Mona Lica, and as we can see you're right." I took him to his room.
"And so, you get a reward."

Undertakers POV:

I shut the door, pulled her to my chest, and carried her to my bed. "Allow me, my treasure." I set her down . . . Then she pulled me down and turned me so that my back was to the bed, and pinned me there. "My turn hot shot."

Cliffhanger. 😈

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