25: Chess

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Featuring this lovely dress:

Featuring this lovely dress:

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(Y/N)s POV:

Just two days ago I told my friend and a Demon that I was in love with my ex again, and here I am Thursday afternoon in his office. "You wanted to see me, Headmaster."
"Yes, Headmistress (L/N), since the performance with both our houses went great, my students of house blue were wondering if your girls would like to have a little chess tournament." House blue is where the academics are—all the smart girls—that's the only place you'll find girls playing chess. "Blue boys versus blue girls," I said, "I'll have my Vice Headmistress alter the schedules a bit, and have them all in the grand dining hall to tell them." "Excellent let's give them two days." "Well then I best be on—"
"Wait," he went to this cookie jar at the edge of his desk, "here, for you." It was a little fabric with a ribbon around it—I could feel the cookie inside it. "Thank you."
Grace was waiting for me outside his office, we didn't talk until the gate to our college opened. "So I'll have all our house blue girls and mistresses in the dining hall later?" "Ella's probably in her dorm reading, tell her, Luna, and Cecilia, and have them tell the others." "Yes, Headmistress." I walked into my office, leaned on my door, and let out a sigh I've been holding ever since I saw him. He sat there like the 'Headmaster' he is, hat off, elbows on the desk, chin on the back of his hands . . . last time he looked like that was during forplay.
I sat down and opened the treat, a (___) cookie in the shape of a heart that says 'I love you.' In (F/C). "Oh you hopeless romantic you."

🖤💙time skip💙🖤

Ciels POV:

"So this time it's boys versus girls." "It would seem so my Lord, although not many girls here play chess." "Luckily I do." And this was the Headmasters idea, what is he planning? "My Lord, shall we go looking for him once everyone's asleep?" "Maybe tomorrow, at least let her send him a letter tonight if she wants to." "Well then it's time to get you back into your corset." Oh no, "I'm second thought—"
"Too late."

♟🖤2 days later🖤♟

(Y/N)s POV:

The performance was at my college, and since his boys asked, it seemed right that this little chess tournament be at his college in his dining hall. It was after lunch, my blue girls were in their Friday attire—I wanted them in uniforms even though they can wear whatever they want today—I brought two house mistresses and mistress Michaelis with us, and to support my girls I was in a denim and navy blue dress with a flower pattern on it. The sides of my hair were held with a flower clip—a iris to be exact.
"Welcome ladies, It is a pleasure to have both blue houses together, now this little tournament is simple: it's male versus female, the male that wins goes against the female that wins and/or vice-versa, until there's only one male and female left or the gender is completely gone. Understand?"
"Yes, Headmaster," they all said.
"Very good, now sit at a desk and we will begin when the Headmistress says the word." "Beg your pardon?" This was not in our quick discussion two days ago, not even on the cookie I ate. Eyes were on me again, his weren't covered this time, but his scar was . . . oh well. "Ladies, let's show these gentlemen that we can play chess just as good as them, after all," I was looking at him from the corner of my eye, "the Queen can move anywhere she wants can she not." My girls nodded their heads. "Begin."

♟🖤time skip🖤♟

Rooks have taken bishops, kings have been trapped, and both me and Adrian have yawned once. All we could do was sit and whisper or walk around and see how they were doing. "Headmistress may I have a word with you outside." "Yes alright." I thought we'd go outside outside, but it was just him leaning against the wall outside the dining hall, luckily it was time for tea and everyone was in their house. "What do you say to our little chess tournament later tonight, at the swan gazebo?" His arms were crossed over his chest and he had a grin on his face. "There may not be many girls left playing, but I'm sure I can beat you."
"Splendid, now let's get back in there before heads pop out from around the corner." When we got back in there was only one table left. "Well this'll be interesting," he said, "my perfect and your fag, what was her name again? . . . Cecilia."

♟🖤time skip🖤♟

"Well done, Cecilia, you've proven that girls can not only play chess, but when they set their minds to it, they can accomplish anything." "Thank you, Headmistress. " "Tell me, who taught you how to play chess?" Adrian asked.
"Oh uh, my father." "Interesting, and who's your—"
"Forgive me, Headmaster but I think all us girls should be going, right Headmistress I mean it's almost time for supper," Bassy said, and she was right, the sun was setting. Now that all this was over, we went back to get ready for supper, on the walk back I couldn't help but think . . . Who is Cecilia's father? What's even her last name? because when I got the letter informing me about her, I don't think it said her full name. I'll ask her tomorrow.


I should be in my nightgown in bed, but instead I'm on the roof in the same blue dress I was in a few hours ago.
"Hello my—"
"Hija!" If he would've come from the front, I wouldn't of kicked him on the side. "Oh Adrian I'm so sorry, can you stand?" "Y-y-you thehehll mehehehe."
He wasn't in pain, I picked up the bouquet he dropped, "Well when you're done laughing tell me and I'll help you get up." It stopped, and he looked like a body in a coffin. "Mind giving me a hand?" "Ok," I started clapping.

The bridge that led into the gazebo had little candles on it, in the center was a table with more candles, a chessboard with its peaces ready, and tea cups with plates of cookies. "You couldn't wait to do this tomorrow, Adrian." He put his arms around me, "Why, scared you'll lose?" I went and sat down behind the black peaces. "But I wanted those," he said. "Well too bad, now less talking more playing."

♟🖤time skip🖤♟

"How, how did this happen? You must have cheated, you always cheated back then." "Hi hi, I assure you my love I did not cheat, and by the looks of our peaces this looks like a draw." All that's left are two queens, sure chess ends once you lose the king, but we decided to go all the way. "Come on, let's just shake hands and go to bed," he said. "Alright, but next time we play in my dorm where it's nice and warm." (Meant to do it😊)
I gave him my left hand and he kissed each finger, "Shall I escort you back to your dorm my lady." "Well I could do it myself, but I'm not as fast as you."
He started to chuckle, I kicked him in the shins, "Just take me back to my dorm."
"Haha, ok, and here, you can take the last cookie." The last cookie that was different from the others, it was like the one he gave me in his office.

When we got to my dorm I set the cookie down on my table. "I guess I'll be on—"
"Adrian wait."

Undertakers POV:

She started to take off her dress, I guess she had plans of her own. "Well well, I didn't expect this so soon." "Shut up you idiot, I just need you to unlace my corset." Now I know she can do that all by herself, but this gives me more chance to be with her. As I undid the laces left to right, I let my hand stroke her back every time I undid them. She fell in my arms, "I knew you'd catch me, Adrian."
She went to get changed.

(Y/N)s POV:

He was still out there when I got done changing. "(Y/N), there's something I have to ask you." We sat on the bench at the foot of my bed, "(Y/N), do you love me?"


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