2: Lets meet him

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Featuring this lovely dress

(FL/N)=first letter of your name, and I won't be putting the undertakers name, so FF/N means fake full name

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(FL/N)=first letter of your name, and I won't be putting the undertakers name, so FF/N means fake full name.

(Y/N)s POV:

"Ughhh, it's too tight."
"Just take one more deep breath and it'll be over."
"Why couldn't I just meet him with what I had on?"
"Because those are your morning clothes, and these are one of you afternoon clothes." High class ladies are supposed to change clothes at least 3 or 4 times a day, that is one of the things we teach and do here, sometimes I remind myself that I'm the Headmistress and I'm supposed to be an example for them. And as much as I would love to be in a long sleeve blouse with trousers—or a skirt—some boots, and one of my coats, I can't now. Literally and figuratively.

Ciels POV:

Alright so in the past twenty four hours I've been in a corset, most of my clothes have been thrown away, "Don't worry we have a design class here, you're practically making your clothes for the school."
"And what ever you have thats yellow, Violet, or pink like that dress you have on, we just give to the girls of that house." On the bright side I got rid of that dress, I've only had about 10 minutes with Sebastian, and so far nothing strange has happened. Right now I'm waiting outside Sebastian's dorm. "Don't worry young master, she'll be out soon, after all, both heads of the schools are meeting." "I was wondering when your class was over." We went in.
"Young master I know you want me to untie that for a few minutes, but if we don't go now we'll miss the meeting." Last night that was all I heard around the dorms.
"The heads of the schools are meeting tomorrow."
"And the P4 will get to see."
"Oh do you think he'll invite her over for tea?"
"I hope he's handsome."
"Young master, do you think it could be one of the old Headmasters?"
"Well we'll have to see it for ourselves, let's go."

(Y/N)s POV:

I had my hair done in a braided cross bun with hair pins that have both our schools flowers on them. "You're right, Grace, the flower hair pins were a good idea." "Aren't I always, now put on these dark blue gloves and I'll look for a necklace." I won't admit this to Grace—at least not yet—but I'm excited, and what if he is handsome, what do I do then. I mean the last time I was this excited and the man I met was handsome was when—
"Oooh what about this?"
A heart shaped locket with two letters on it, A & (FL/N) on it, and it looks like there's an arrow going through them . . . "I can't believe I still have this."
"What was that?" "Oh no it's nothing, I just couldn't believe that I still had that," I said. "Hmmm, well why don't you wear it, besides it's so pretty, and you can tell me about it another day." Once she put it around my neck and I looked in the mirror, I could see myself from a hundred years ago, now I'm trying to remember a bit of my past and how I got here. "Alright alright you've stared at yourself long enough you can stare more later, head down to the gates, the P4 should be there, I'll be in your office and you tell me how it went when you get back, and don't leave out a single detail." I'm only meeting him in the middle of the rode, that way none of our students—except two or all of the P4s—can hear us. "Well Grace, wish me luck, and don't worry I won't be long."

By the time I got outside the main building there were girls at the gates, and two of those girls were Cecelia and Bassy. "Now ladies, let the Headmistress pass," Bassy said.
I was almost outside the perimeter . . . I could see the P4 of Weston College . . . And then I saw him.
Like any gentlemen he had a suit and hat, but he looked different from the other headmasters, long silver hair . . . wait . . . could that be . . No, no it couldn't.
We both stopped in the middle of the road.

Undertakers POV:

That hair, those eyes, and when we stopped in the middle of the road, I saw that locket. It's her. I bowed—taking my hat off with my right hand and putting it on my left side in the process—and she curtsied, "Hello, you must be the new Headmaster at Weston College, I'm (Y/N)(L/N) Headmistress of (S/N) College."
That voice, oh yes it's her, and not just because she said her name.
"That I am, I'm (FF/N) and I'm glad to finally meet you, miss (L/N)."

(Y/N)s POV:

The hair, the voice—it's been over a century since I heard it—and when he bowed, for just a second I could see his eyes. (FF/N) is not your name, and your bangs can't hide your eyes forever. But for now, I'll play the game. Our right hands went to shake, and when they touched . . . My heart started to beat . . . I was getting visions of my past.
The day we met, when we went on a picnic, when he kissed me, and his last words.
We stepped back, breathing as if we were both suffocating. "I-I'm so so sorry—"
"No no Headmistress, it was me," no, I think it was both of us. "How about we pretend this didn't happen, and I come back tomorrow at one, you give me a tour of your school, and then you come with me and we can have some tea," He said. "That would be great." I'll have to change my schedule.
Clang, clang.
Clang, clang.
The bells, of both College's, "Well, I'll see you at my gates at one, Headmaster." He took my right hand, and kissed my knuckles. "I look forward to tomorrow."

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