34: What's going on?

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The photo says it all.
Featuring this dress, I haven't done purple yet.

Featuring this dress, I haven't done purple yet

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(Y/N)s POV:

That night I thought about what that Will guy said, I'm glad they're finally letting girls be Grim Reapers, But here—ever since I became head—my girls can be whatever they want, and we don't wait sooo long to start. I looked on the other side of my bed, and it's like I can still see him sitting down waiting for me to sleep, I close my eyes . . . And I can feel him stroking my back. At this point I don't even care if it's really him, my eyes were shutting anyway.

💀🖤the next day🖤💀

"I thought Grace would be bringing me breakfast." "Yes, well, I offered to."
"Did you offer, or because it's your job, butler, or should I say maid." He may look like a female, and maybe a male at night, but that doesn't change what's behind the mask of both of them. "So what's for breakfast?" "Grace said it's your favorite." "Oh ok, you can set it on the table." The way he moved gave him a look that says 'butler.' "Shall I pick out one of your dresses for today, Headmistress." Well he looks like a female so I guess she moves like a maid. "You go ahead, pick out one of my purple ones." After my favorite breakfast comes paperwork and classes, just another normal day at (S/N) College.

💀🖤time skip🖤💀

Ok so first it's my favorite breakfast, then it's my favorite lunch, (___) and (___), I'm not sure if it's my full stomach talking—or the fact that the corset might be too tight—but something strange is going on. "Alright your dress is on, your hair is up, and you are wearing makeup, you are ready to face the afternoon." "Thanks, Grace." She forgot to mention the locket I was twirling in my fingers.
Knock knock.
"Come in," it was Grella. "*sigh* Headmistress it's the *sigh* the head of Weston, he would like *sigh* to speak with you. What was I thinking running in heels."
"Very well, show him to my office." "Oh that's the thing, he's outside, that bloody old Olga won't let him in. Not until you show up." "Alright, let's go, ladies."

Tutors and teachers were trying to keep the girls away from the gates, where on the other side of them he was waiting for me. "Oh Headmistress there you are, please inform him that—"
"Olga, you can go back to teaching your class, I can handle him myself." "Humph, very well." She left grumbling a few unladylike words. "Open the gates," and on cue some of the girls got through and stood beside me. "Good afternoon, Headmaster, I heard that you wanted to speak to me." "Good afternoon to you too, and yes I want to speak with you," he stuck out his hand, "may I." I thought he'd take me back to his college, but instead we're in the middle of the road, where we first met after five years. Only now we're sideways so our students could see our faces.

"Headmistress (L/N), the first time we met was at your fathers bookshop, you were stocking the shelves and a book fell on my head, and ever since that day Robin Hood has been my favorite book." I heard little awws from my right. "I know asking you out on a date at a pub isn't so romantic, but you never looked more beautiful then on our first date." There were awws and ewwws. "When we were together, you taught me how to waltz and I taught you how to play the piano, and my first time painting a portrait of you never looked so beautiful, that I want to paint one again." I'm still not sure what's going on, but ever since we met again—here on these very spots—these are the sweetest words he's ever said to me. "Headmaster, what are you saying?" At this point we were surrounded by students, I had my P4, Grace, Grella, the butler, and Lord Phantomhive at the front of the gates. "(Y/N) the three years I spent with you were the best three years of my life." He took off his hat and his hair came down . . . And under all that was a little black box. "And I would like to make it more than that."
My hands went to my heart, I didn't know where to look, when I looked back at my college half the girls looked like me, the other half had their mouths covered.

He opened the box,

The color—sorta—matched our eyes, and it has skulls on it

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The color—sorta—matched our eyes, and it has skulls on it. "Oh my god."
"I bought this ring six years ago, I was gonna ask you this, but then something came up. So I hope it still fits." He took my left hand. This's really happening.
"(Y/N)(L/N), my love, my treasure, you made me happy the three years we were together, will you make me happy the rest of my life. Will you be my wife?"
I looked at him, and I could see the background of our times together, the city behind him, the tree of our picnics . . . and then I saw the Grim Reaper Library.
It was raining tears, left and right I could hear 'say yes,' 'say no,' and I heard 'you can do better.' I looked at the four girls I trusted: Grace had her hands on her cheeks nodding her head, Grella gave me two thumbs up, and Phantomhive just had—what I think is—a smile. As for Bassy, she pointed to her ear, put up two fingers, pointed at me, then pointed at her heart that she doesn't really have.
Listen to your heart.
I am.
And it is filled with love.
For this man.

"Yes. Yes yes YES I'll marry you." I don't care that I screamed, I'm engaged now.

Undertakers POV:

She said it, she didn't say the three words I wanted her to say, but she said the most important one of all. I put the ring on her finger—what'd ya know it fits—and I kissed her, I don't care that first years to last years are looking, all that matters now is that I have the woman I love in my arms.

(Y/N)s POV:

I blocked out every sound, every cheers and whistles from my head, all I heard was the beating of our hearts. When we needed air I was ready to tell him . . . But a certain red head pulled me out. "Congrats you two love birds, may I see the ring?" Oh I'm gonna have to get used to the congratulations and having to show my hand every second. "Beautiful, though I'm more of a red person myself. Alright enough about me the rest of the days all about you, now come with me." She pulled me away from him, my closest friend of the Reaper Realm, now my engaged. He was getting smaller by the second. "Grella let go of me." "Sorry dearie can't do that, we have to get you ready for your engagement party, which I will be doing. Now don't worry, Bassy will take care of the catering, and the Vice Headmistress will take care of the decorations." We stopped at the doors of the college, "Did you three know all along?" "Oh honey we didn't know shit, we just stood there happy while you two were kissing, then a little girl said party, and we said the first words that came to our minds." Little girl, Phantomhive?
"Now let's go find you the perfect dress so that I can find myself a red one."

Undertakers POV:

For the time being she was out of my life, "you said seven o'clock yes?" "Yes, the party starts at seven so be at the grand dining hall early, now if you'll excuse me I have to get out the engagement declarations for the party that I've had hidden from her for years." "Hehe, I'll send some of my men to help you." That Vice Headmistress sure likes partying. "Congratulations, Headmaster." Phantomhive—in a skirt this time—and his butler—or would it be maid. "Thank you, hihi, Cecilia." "We wish you both happiness till the end of time." Those are strange words coming from a Demon. "Thank you as well housemistress Michaelis, now if you ladies will excuse me, I have more thank yous to give out and a suit to find, with any luck the dress she chooses is pink."

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