35: Engagement Party

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Ok let me tell you right now, if that's Claudia—which I'm pretty sure it is—then what ever love story is between them—god I hop they tell it in the manga—it's one of the best love stories I'll ever hear in my life.
Featuring the song Don't Know Much, by Aaron Neville and Linda Ronstadt, this's also one of the best love songs I've ever heard. And here's the dress.

If you don't like don't worry, the wedding dress will be better

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If you don't like don't worry, the wedding dress will be better. Here's your hair accessory. Wow😆and I haven't even chosen the wedding dress.

 Wow😆and I haven't even chosen the wedding dress

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(Y/N)s POV:

At this point the girls were either scribbling down stuff in their homework, and going back in their house to pick the perfect dress. "Alright now while the hair dries let's paint these nails," Grella said. She brought in a little trunk, and when it opened there were three rows of nail polish and makeup. "I think I have polish that's the same color as this dress." "Grella, how about we just paint my nails white and my toenails black." "*sigh* Well you are the Headmistress so I guess I have to do what you say." I won't be Headmistress for long.

💀🖤time skip🖤💀

At the entrance there were books to write in saying congratulations—at least that's what I'm hearing—gold colored plates and utensils, at the center of each table was a bouquet with all 8 flowers and a jar with a candle in it. There were even flowers hanging from the chandeliers. It was quiet, and he was early, as I walked over to him I kept moving the ring left and right, by the time we were center-room I knew what I wanted to do—we both did—we kissed.
I heard them clapping and my heart beating at the same time, when we separated we locked hands and went to sit down. "It's a shame I'm not celebrating my engagement with my family, but here at (S/N) we treat each other like sisters, and I heard that at Weston they treat each other like brothers. I hope that maybe one day the colleges can unite as one," I said. "They already have."
That was Sebastian. "As long as the heads are together, the College's are together." Everyone went around nodding their heads in agreement or saying yes, "well then," Adrian said, "a toast to becoming one." I can't believe he agreed with a Demon, then again . . . *sigh* . . . "To becoming one."
"To becoming one!"

💀🖤after dinner and desserts🖤💀

I was stuffed, but before I could retire for the night, there's something I wanted to do with him. "Are you ready (FL/N)?" "That depends, are you ready to sing this duet with me? Because we haven't done this in years." I saw Sebastian at the piano again, and nodded my head. (If it's like this, then he's singing, if it's like this then it's you, and if it's like this then it's both of you.)

"Look at this face I know the years are showing
Look at this life I still don't know where it's going."

"I don't know much but I know I love you
That may be all I need to know."

We took each other's hands,

"Look at these eyes they never seen what matters
Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered."

And looked at each other.

"I don't know much." "But I know I love you
That may be all I need to know."

I could hear instruments in the background, and I saw candles moving side-to-side.

"So many questions still left unanswered
So much I've never broken through."
"And when I feel you near me, sometimes I see so clearly."
"That only truth I'll never know is me and you."

Once again he took me in his arms and we swayed side-to-side. Even the students were swaying side-to-side.

"Look at this man so blessed with inspiration."
"Look at this soul," "still searching for salvation."

"I don't know much but I know I love you
That may be all I need to know."

He took my left hand and got down on his knee again.

"I don't know much but I know I love you
That may be all I need to know."

I went and sat down on his knee.

"I don't know much but I know I love you
That may be all there is to know."

We got a standing ovation from those who were still sitting. "It seems we still got it," he said. "It would seem so." There's only one thing left to do. "I want you to know that I meant every word I sang." Not a sound, "(L/N)?" "I mean it . . ."
I had to remember that I can't say his real name, but I can say how I feel.
"(FF/N). I love you, and that is all there is to know."

Undertakers POV:

She said it, I was so shocked I didn't even realize she kissed me for the third time today. I always knew she loved me, but she just wouldn't say it . . . until now.
"Meet me in my dorm an hour after this celebration is over," (Y/N) whispered.

Ciels POV:

"Oh she said that she loves him how romantic, and usually the male says it first." "Well, Elizabeth, I think she's showing us that we don't have to wait for the men to make the first move. Now will you excuse me." I had to sneak out of the room carefully, finally when I got out I made sure I was alone . . . "Sebastian, this's an order, start packing my things, we leave at midnight."

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