6: Teatime with the girls

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Behold, your dorm. You can change the colors, you might wanna move that room divider somewhere else, and sadly no we cannot keep the cat. The last thing we want is Sebastian finding out we have a cat in the school😆. What you can't see is the door to your dorm, the door to your bathroom, your wardrobe, and a desk with drawers. And here is your dress for tea.

And Sebastian's, if you like his/hers more then you can switch😁

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And Sebastian's, if you like his/hers more then you can switch😁

And Sebastian's, if you like his/hers more then you can switch😁

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(Y/N)s POV:

"Grace I had the strangest dream last night." Or was it a memory. "What was it about—no wait, don't tell me, it was about him wasn't it." "What makes you think it was about him?" "You're wearing the locket he gave you." I didn't realize my hand was touching it until she said the word locket. I went to the mirror, and there it was hanging around my neck, did I sleepwalk and put it on? It must have been that because the only other explanation would be . . . that he came in, and put it on me. "Headmistress, are you alright?" "I-I'm alright just a little more exhausted from the party yesterday."
"Oh, want me to cancel your attire class for today?" "No, no I'll be fine, for that class and dance in the afternoon." My two favorite classes—when they're on my schedule—even the girls like having me as a teacher.

🏫time skip🏫

"Alright good work today ladies, I noticed not many of you pricked your fingers." The only one that did was Cecilia, it also looked like she was eyeing me with mystery. "Cecilia, can you come here for a second." I noticed some girls from other houses chuckling. "Yes, Headmistress?" "You know it seems like you could use a beginners class." "No, I mean forgive me, Headmistress, but I would rather stay in your class. The girls say that not everyone gets a class with the head of the school, or even the vice." "I see, well if you need any help, go to your housemistress Michaelis," she's been a good help around here. "In fact, tell her to meet me in my office at two." She went pale. "O-o-ok, I'll do that right now have a good day." She's fast for a flower that hasn't bloomed yet, maybe I should put her in house yellow. I'll think about it over lunch, there's curry on the menu today.

Having lunch with Grace is one of the most peaceful times of the day—till the last three minutes when we go over the schedule. "Grace, what do you think of housemistress Michaelis?" "Well the girls and some housemistresses like her, but she really doesn't talk about herself much." And there wasn't much about her in the letter I got two weeks ago. "Why do you ask?" "Well I wanted to talk to her, maybe she won't tell the housemistresses but she'll tell me, think you can squeeze her into my office at two?"
"Will do, and how about we squeeze her into teatime and start it a bit early today." "Oh Grace, it's like you read my mind." Starting teatime early is a good idea, she might have a sports class to teach.

Ciels POV:

"In fact, tell her to meet me in my office at two." She must be getting suspicious.
Knock knock. Open the door you id—
"Why Cecilia, to what do I owe the surprise?"
"I came to ask for your help, housemistress." "Come in." No one else was in here but us and lunch. "Untie this thing." "Yes, my Lord." I told him about the meeting at two . . . And he thinks it's a good idea. "Sebastian what if she sees right through you." "Don't worry young master, and besides, if I get close to her we'll be able to hear her side of the story, I mean we're trying to get her and the Undertaker together again aren't we?"
I'm supposed to be guarding the underworld and sending messages to the Queen. Not playing Cupid. "Alright fine. Sebastian this is an order, talk to her, get to know her, get her to trust you so we can get them back together." "Yes, my Lord."

🕑2:00/the headmistresses office 🕑

(Y/N)s POV:

Knock knock.
"Come in." We Grim Reapers can see right through people, see if they're a Reaper hiding in plain sight, it wasn't till I had my glasses back on that I saw right through housemistress Michaelis . . . A Demon. "You wanted to see me, Headmistress." "Yes well, I've just been hearing about how good a teacher and tutor you are, and to thank you I'd like to invite you to have some tea with me, and my vice headmistress Grace, at 3:30."
"It'd be a privilege to join you for tea, at the moon gazebo right?" "Right." She put up a nice sweet smile. "Alright now that that's over, tell me Demon, what are you doing here?"
". . . Well my mas—I mean mistress was right, you were onto us." She's not even denying that she's a Demon. "So you brought your mistress with you, well then what are you both doing at my school?"
"The real question is what took you so long to realize I was a Demon, then again right now you're wearing your Reaper glasses, you weren't wearing them when I arrived." When you and Cecilia arrived. "So your mistress is Cecilia, I'm just assuming that because Demons are never far from their masters or mistresses." Not a word from her. "This's the last time I'm asking you this Bassy—if that's even your name—what are you both doing at my school?" She walked to the door, "I'll tell you at tea, Headmistress." She opened it and left. Great, my ex is pretending to be the head at the neighboring college just to try and talk to me, and there's a Demon in this one, I could use a warm bath instead of tea.

🖤time skip🖤

"Oh my both of you have a black and red dress, and here I am in a white and peach one," Grace said. "You look lovely as always, Grace, and Michaelis yours almost matches mine," I said. "Do you like it, I made it myself," Bassy said. Being a demon I assume she made it in under a minute. "It's lovely, now who's ready to gossip?" Grace asked. We chatted, we had tea, and the whole time she looked like a normal woman. I should've had my glasses on when she arrived.
"Grace you can head back, I'd like to speak to Bassy alone. Don't worry we'll take the basket and tea set back with us." I counted to twenty before speaking, but she beat me to it. "Allow me to tell you about myself, (Y/N)(L/N), besides the obvious Demon I also read minds." "Ok, but what are you—"
"Lets just say a woman who's at the top of the food chain told us to come here and make sure nothing strange was going on, and I may not be able to feel, but I don't think love is strange." Grace insisted I tell her about Adrian and me, then said I should give him a second chance, what would a Demon say?
"Bassy, should I give the Headmaster a second chance?" She took my hands, and we both may be wearing gloves, but I still feel her cold touch. "I may not be able to feel, but you can—for someone dead—and if you're pretending to be alive, just listen to your heart." Which one, the one inside my chest or the one around my neck. "Oh by the way, me and my mistress know who the Headmaster is—that's a story for another day—so if you ever need my help, like to give him a letter, just call me to your office."
"So I guess the reason you're both still here is because of me and the Headmaster."
"You can say that."

When we got back I thanked her and headed for my dorm room; my ex at the neighboring college, and a Demon in this one—who like Grace suggests I give him a second chance. I took off my dress, and though still in my undergarments put on my robe, I could use a nap. Should I give him a second chance? I mean what happened happened over one hundred years ago. The whole time thinking about it until I fell asleep, I was holding onto the locket.

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