Chapter 3

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Narrator POV:
It had been a week since the school year begun and everyone seemed to settle into a routine quite nicely. Aurora on the other hand was not everyone and seemed to have trouble getting to sleep like she did when she was a child. So like she had done for the two years prior she decided to go to the Astronomy tower, slipping into some gray joggers and an oversized sweatshirt she put on some trainers and used her wand light to guide her way.  From the Gryffindor common room to the Astronomy tower it took her from 12:15 till 12:30 to finally sit on the stone floor and look at the star filled sky. Normally, it would only take 7 minutes exactly but Aurora failed to consider that the stairs did move and ended up having to wait for them to move back to where she needed.
Aurora loved astrology she found the night sky filled with stars and a full moon the most beautiful sight hence why she called her tabby cat Andromeda. She often thought to herself that maybe that was the reason despite Draco's character that she was fascinated by him because he was named after a constellation.  Almost on que  Draco appeared at the top of the stairs clad in gray joggers a Slytherin sweatshirt carrying a blanket.
"Hello darling." He smiled sitting himself next to Aurora and spreading the blanket across them both then grabbing a packet of sweets from his pocket and placing them between the pair for them to share.
"Thank you's been forever since we have done this." 
"That's because it has been forever darling also I forgot to mention Snape pulled me aside the other day and asked if I could sit next to you in potions he said and I quote she's worse than Potter." Draco laughed while mimicking Snape's voice clearly enjoying teasing Aurora who had never been good at potions. After a few moments he asked, "How did it go with your dad?" He said it so softly it almost came out a whisper knowing it was a delicate subject for her.
"Well I would say talking for an hour in total in the two weeks maybe isn't great," She let out half a laugh before a frown formed on her face. "Anyways what about you and your dad?" Draco's face dropped into a frown letting out a deep breath.
"It's so strange because I want nothing more than to be absolutely nothing like him Aurora yet disappointing him and mum turns my stomach inside out."
You see this conversation had happened many times before for the pair Draco would tell Aurora how he didn't want to become his father and if he ever seemed like he was Aurora must pull him up on it. Aurora did most days because seemingly without knowing it Draco Malfoy would turn into his father in public. Rude, snobby and prejudice but with Aurora it was different if she told him off even if it was in public he would listen and he would try his best to be kinder to her. Though he never really knew why and it was a mystery to everyone else too.
Draco Malfoy if around the right people like Aurora could be a good person kind and caring but he was never so lucky to be surrounded by people like her his family was cruel and evil though he had a soft spot for his mother she was just like him. His friends were no better they would encourage his cruel behaviour well all except Blaise who would sit quietly in disagreement. To be frank he was easily influenced sadly with his family and his friends that ment in a negative way.
Draco would go as far as to say Aurora was his best friend, she gave him a second chance when she by no means was required to do so and despite his arguments with her three friends she would always stick up for him. Even if they had their own disagreements and bickerings the two were deeply fond of one another.
"So this new hairstyle," Aurora smiled up at Draco taking her hand and rustling it through his locks earning an annoyed look in response.
"Stop you annoying buffoon! I think it suits me, and what about you your hairs grown to you waist it's not just me changing things around here." He stated a huge smile on his face as he reached over to Aurora tucking loose strands behind her ear. The pair snuggled closer the cold breeze whipping past them for a while before they simultaneously decided it best to make there way inside.
As always Draco accompanied Aurora all the way to the common room entrance.
"There we go darling safe and sound." Aurora wrapped her arms around the now very tall boy planting a kiss on his cheek narrowly missing his lips due to him turning his head at that exact moment to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"Oops sorry but thank you for making sure I got in okay."
"Always... Aurora I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go for coffee this weekend at Hogsmade?" He asked oozing confidence.
"Is Draco Malfoy asking me on a date?"
"Well I don't know anyone else around called Aurora," he laughed awkwardly his right hand going to scratch the back of his head.
"Yes i'd love too, goodnight Draco." With another kiss to his cheek she turned on her heals and was gone into her common room in a flash. Aurora's fairytale seems to be coming alone nicely.

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