Chapter 21

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Narrator's POV:

The sun hid behind dark, grey clouds of despair an unknown metaphor of what was to come by the end of the night. It didn't feel like summer with the nippy, constant breeze and the light mist of rain which would make a break from the clouds occasionally. Though the atmosphere was a completely different feeling it seemed everyone was excited about the final trial to see who would win. It was no longer about supporting your house or school for that matter because at this point everyone had built friendships students were going to be happy for anyone who won.

The stands which overlooked a maze build from trees were packed with students, teachers, and some parents who let a light chatter fill the atmosphere. Aurora sat next to Hermione, Ron, Fred, and George all wearing Gryfindor colors to show support for Harry. They didn't let their anxiety show on their faces the fear that Harry could well die in the last trial was an evident possibility yet they pushed that thought to the back of their minds slapping on smiles.

The champions stood facing different entrances to the maze as Dumbledore began giving his final speech prematurely interrupted by Finch who set off the cannon before the headmaster counted down. The champions entered the maze and to the people in the stands, they simply kept quiet watching for the trees to open again though a quiet chatter did wash over them like a blanket providing comfort for those who worried for their friends in the maze.

Half an hour passed when the first shot of light went into the sky within ten minutes Fleur was retrieved and brought back to sit silently with her fellow school mates. Last place. After another half an hour another red light shot into the sky and Milan was brought back sitting alongside Viktor waiting. Third place. Another half an hour passed periodically and finally, Harry appeared with Cedric the crowd irrupted with cheers.

Until everyone realized Harry was crying and shouting that Voldermort was back and that he had killed Cedric, it took seconds before Cedric's father ran from the stands to grieve his dead son his cries broke the heart of every single person in that vicinity that day. Dumbledore was swift to stop the students from seeing anymore and Harry was taken away by Moody. It didn't take long for the Professors to put two and two together that Moody was not Moody but Barty Crouch Jr who had been taking Polyjuice potions and he was swiftly reprimanded. That night in the Gryffindor common room no one spoke everyone gathered together silently showing their support together.


Aurora's POV:

I was the last girl to finish packing everything in my trunk for the train which was due to depart in half an hour, I picked up Andromada and my trunk and made my way out of the common room. Waiting for me was Draco who decided he wanted to come with me to Bulgaria for a week and once we were to arrive back in England I would join him at the manor for a week. I couldn't help the smile which crept its way on my face at the boy who stood against the wall eyes trained on the Daily Prophet as the painting closed behind me his gaze halted at mine a smile appearing on his face too.

"Hello, pretty lady," He began, "Hell-" "I was talking to Dromada actually," He continued interrupting me as a smirk appeared on his face ignoring my shocked expression he went to give Dromada a pet which she returned by rubbing her face against his hand. Draco loved most animals, Dromada especially, who honestly probably loved him more than me with the number of treats he gave her.

"Hello to you too darling, let me grab that for you we best hurry though the train will be going soon," He took my truck from my hand as we began walking down the staircases. Looking at my watch I realized we didn't have long muttering the time to Draco we both picked up our pace running from the castle to the station which was normally about a 20-minute walk. Barely making it on the train we boarded gasping for air as we gradually made our way down the train isle, we found ourselves walking to a table where Blaise and Theo were sat.

A constant flow of conversation flooded our table the entire journey to London, Theo and I were having an in-depth conversation about Astrology discussing various theorists and making many Astorogy themed jokes. The conversation was pleasant I found myself enjoying talking to someone who knew more about the subject than Chloe and wasn't so stuck in her beliefs as Hermione. I glanced down at my watch realizing there was only about half an hour left of the journey so I excused myself from the conversation telling Draco I wanted to talk to Chloe for a moment and then say bye to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Freddie, and George as I wouldn't be seeing the latter for two weeks.

Upon seeing Chloe who was in conversation with Luna I greeted them both enjoying a girly conversation about boys for a change. Though Hermione and I talked about boys specifically Draco we rarely had time together on our own so it was difficult to discuss Draco in front of Harry and Ron who at the mention of his name would look like they were going to have a breakdown. Continuing the discussion for ten minutes I concluded my anecdote by bidding them both goodbye and asking Chloe to write to me over the summer.

Quickly, I made my way to the carriage which held the trio giving them all hugs and explaining my plans for the first two weeks for the third time since it became clear Ron had forgotten and hadn't told his mum what my plans were. This earned an exaggerated sigh on my part and Hermione swearing at how idiotic Ron could be which Harry and I both agreed with. Telling the three to write I left them going to the carriage next door to say bye to Freddie and George which was slightly more heartfelt knowing I'd likely miss Freddie the most. Giving both the twins a huge hug I swiftly departed to join Draco with five minutes to spare before we got to the station.

"All I'm saying Blaise is don't you think he's always too eager to talk to her or just spend any time with her? I mean how many times does he discuss sitting next to her in D.A.D.A?" I heard Draco mutter under his breath before I took my seat next to the blond boy rather suspiciously. They couldn't be talking about Theo.

"What you two chatting about?" I asked noticing Theo's absence before drawing my attention to the boys who began acting as though they had been caught murdering someone.

"Nothing important say goodbye to everyone?" He questioned as he changed the subject I thought nothing of it deciding to brush it off.

"Yes I did and of course Ron forgot that I wouldn't be at the Burrow for two weeks poor Molly will be upset thinking I'm coming with the boys and Ginny." I laughed causing a smile to appear on Draco's face as he mumbled something about Ron being non-observant. I was growing exceptionally excited about the holiday with Draco meeting each other's families would certainly be interesting.

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