Chapter 25

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Aurora's POV:

We walked back to Hogwarts in a comfortable silence hand in hand, the wind continued its merciless attack against my bare skin creating a path of goosebumps in its wake. Draco halted in his tracks noticing my body shivering involuntarily, taking off his coat and helping me put it on giving me a satisfied smile when he zipped up the zipper and put the hood up. I definitely looked like a child completely swallowed up by his coat which was double my size.

Once we reached his room narrowly avoiding getting caught by Finch who was currently Umbridges' right-hand man, I took of Draco's coat hooking it on the back of his door before turning to look at him. He sat on the end of his bed staring at his still bloodied hands, I tentatively walked closer to him grabbing his wand which lay on his dark grey bed sheets muttering under my breath 'Accio first aid kit'. He looked up at me his blue eyes swimming with thoughts as I kneeled myself between his legs sitting on the floor and getting out a sterile cloth and liquid antiseptic. I carefully took his right hand and began cleaning it hearing him hiss under his breath as the alcohol socked cloth seeped through his open wounds. I took my time gently cleaning both his hands and putting antiseptic cream on them before I stood up putting the first aid kit on his dresser and finding him some clean PJs.

As he began getting undressed I took his blood-stained shirt to the bathroom soaking it in cold water before returning to the bedroom. Draco sat at the end of the bed once again looking at his hands.

"You could have used magic you know? It would have made it easier for you," He mumbled, I could tell he was sulking and the thought brought a small smile to my lips as I walked closer to the boy lifting back his bed covers motioning for him to get into bed with me.

"My Grandma always told me magic doesn't do things properly all the time, sometimes you have to do things the muggle way somethings need time," I stated as the boy joined me under the covers both of us sat up in the bed, I grabbed his wand once again using it to light the fireplace the cold of the room nipping at my skin still since I was still clad in my dress.

"You didn't have to do all of that though should have just let it fester I deserved that much," He muttered under his breath once again and this time I couldn't help but laugh, he looked up at me confused.

"You do make me giggle Draco...why are you wallowing what because you brushed me off at first tonight when I came looking for you? Draco you were right I do rely on you for happiness sometimes and it's not fair you have your own life to live and I can't expect you to drop things to spend every second with me like I have been recently so I'm not surprised you said what you said."I replied lacing my fingers with his and giving him a reassuring smile.

"No darling I-" He huffed and I could see he was searching for the right words," I was in the wrong...It's just sometimes I really don't understand why you are with me I mean I'm the definition of a deserve better." He finished and my heart broke at the boy in front of me that had beaten the life out of Adrian for what he did but he still felt as though he wasn't enough. I ungracefully clambered my way onto his lap using both my hands to grab his face.

"Draco Malfoy something brought us together for a reason but that doesn't mean we won't have a few hiccups along the way it's normal... I love you with all my heart," He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my lips smiling halfway through.

"I love you so much Aurora Durmstrang with every fiber of my being I'd do anything to protect you,"

"Always?" I questioned leaning my forehead against his.

"Every single minute of every single day for the rest of my life...Always darling," He paused, "As much as I'd love for you to stay I don't want you getting into trouble so shall I walk you to your dorm?"


Narrator's POV:

Adrian Percy had been in the hospital wing for a week after his battering from Draco. Umbridge had been on a rampage trying to get someone to talk about what had happened for Adrian to be in the hospital wing but no one muttered a single word not even Adrian when he finally woke up. Since no one had said anything about the incident she had set out to use a truth-telling serum to find out using Cho thinking she would be the weakest.

Only Cho didn't spill the truth about what happened at the party instead she told Umbridge about Dumbledore's army. So that evening Umbridge, Finch, and her team of prefects made their way to the room of requirements to find Harry teaching Aurora how to conger her Patronus which she was doing for the first time successfully. What is her Patronus you ask? A dragon, that disappeared as soon as Umbridge came into the room. Draco locked eyes with Aurora he wasn't surprised that she was there her friendship with the trio would have likely made her a member instantly yet he prayed she wouldn't be there that day.

Punishment. That night Umbridge guarded the hall with all the students that were in Dumbledore's army, she watched with eyes like a hawk as the students were made to carve lines into their skin with the dreadful charmed quills. The punishment lasted hours before the students were finally dismissed. Aurora was brave, yes and she was strong there was no doubt but the pain from the charmed quills was indescribable like a deep-rooted pain that bubbled from beneath her skin. She was embarrassed to be so hurt by it.

She couldn't help the tears that pooled in her eyes clutching her hand close to her chest as she quickly exited the room her head down not noticing Draco waiting for her. He went to go after her but was stopped in his tracks when Fred walked in front of him.

"Mate I know you didn't have anything to do with this because let's be honest you knew Aurora would be a part of it and you don't want to get her hurt. However, what that bitch just put us all through was fucking awful and it's obvious she's hurting. So if you want my suggestion I'd let her cool off let her come to you because all she knows is that you were the guy holding Cho when we all got caught." Draco sighed knowing what Fred had said was true but he hated the fact he knew that ginger bastard would go comfort her when it should be him.

"Tell her I didn't have anything to do with it I really didn't...but if you use that as an excuse to comfort her and I find out I won't hesitate to punch you Weaselbee," Draco muttered in response.

Fred made his way to the Gryffindor common room finding Aurora sat on the couch quietly crying to herself and he knew the blond boy wouldn't hesitate to hurt him but Aurora meant the world to Fred and he would be dammed if he let her cry. So he quietly approached her sitting next to the girl who instantly went to hug him crying into his side he wrapped his arms around her small frame sighing.

"I knew Draco was a part of that little group bu- but I- why would he be the one to use Cho?" She stuttered over her words as sobs escaped her mouth too frequently for Fred's liking.

"Give him the benefit of the doubt princess...he cares a lot about you the last thing he would want to do is be the reason for this," He motioned to her scared hand as she continued to cry shaking her head adamant that her boyfriend had betrayed her. Fred continued to hold her as she cried continually for hours until she finally stopped wiping her tears away and thanking the boy for being there before going to her dorm.

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