Chapter 28

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Narrator's POV:

A warning sign. There were so many warning signs that today was not going to be a good day and it wasn't just because OWLs were taking place all day. Aurora had spent most of the night in a restless slumber tossing and turning unable to find comfort and instead of staying in bed until she fell asleep she slipped into a fluffy dressing gown and grabbed some books. She perched herself on one of the leather couches in the common room skim-reading each book front to back in front of the crackling fire.

So with little to no sleep being the first warning and her second warning was her managing to sleep through her alarms causing her to miss breakfast the day wasn't off to a good start. Her third warning was that she was late for her Potions exam earning herself detention at the end of the week. What else could go wrong you ask? Number four the Care of magical creatures exam being an outside practical and mother nature deciding to let torrential rains pound to the ground with the force of a hammer soaking her to the bone.

Aurora's POV:

I knew if one last bad thing happened to me today I would surely break down in tears but I forced myself to walk to the Great Hall for my last exam pushing past any negative thoughts. That was until I saw Michael sat on the windowsill clutching his hand and struggling to catch his breath, the sight made me stop immediately in my tracks practically running to close the gap between the young boy and me.

"Oh, Michael what happened?" I whispered sitting next to him, he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist sobbing into my chest as I instinctively rubbed my hand up and down his back in a soothing mannor.

"U-Umbridge s-she," He stuttered over each word struggling to catch his breath and I let a sigh escape my lips that bitch was evil.

"Princess, what's the matter?" I turned my head to look to my right seeing Fred and George in a jog to reach me and Michael, both their expressions were full of concern over the young boy.

"Umbridge," I stated simply.

"Yanno George I always felt our futures laid outside the world of academic achievement," Fred smiled looking at his twin.

"Fred I've been thinking exactly the same thing," He replied, I gave the pair a puzzled look as Michael thanked me for comforting him, walking to join his friends and I move to stand in front of the twins.

"What are you two planning?" Raising my eyebrows at the pair I knew whatever it was wouldn't just end in punishment. George patted Fred on the shoulder giving him a nod and looking at me giving me a sweet smile before he walked off.


"Aurora...Geroge and I have been talking, remember when we mentioned opening our own joke shop? Well, we've been thinking about leaving Hogwarts for a little while now anyway, and well what if we go with a bang and give Umbridge one last fuck you?" Stike number five. My thoughts were whizzing around my head and my gaze dropped to the floor trying to process what he was saying I could feel his stare boring into me trying to decipher my thoughts.

"Your l-leaving?" My voice cracked and was so small I wondered if he had heard gaze never lifting from the floor my vision began to blur. Before I knew it I felt hot tears begin to tumble their way down my cheeks and my breath slip from my controlled to ragged as I fumbled with my rings. I felt his strong arms wrap around my tiny frame clutching me so close I felt like I would break into a million tiny pieces.

"Y-you c-can't leave Freddie...I'm going to miss you so much!" I exclaimed I felt him take in a shaky breath this wasn't the first time he'd seen me cry but it was the first time he was the reason for my tears and I was sure seeing me crumble in front of him wasn't an easy sight. He pulled away using his thumbs to brush away the salty tears which trickled down my reddened cheeks.

"Princess, I promise that George and I will apparate back every weekend and whenever you need me I'll be here... it's not goodbye" He whispered the last part of the sentence and I knew how much he and George needed to do this and I couldn't help but feel proud of what they would achieve.

"You are never allowed to say goodbye Freddie...better go out with a bang," I smiled giving the boy a kiss on his cheek walking backward before I opened the doors to the Great Hall I yelled," MAKE US ALL PROUD FREDDIE WEASLEY! GO LIVE YOUR DREAM."


There were only a few minutes left of the exam and I was completely immersed in the essay glad that it was Astrology and not Potions which I knew I had failed. I huffed flicking my quill between my fingers before I heard a loud bang come from behind me, my head snapped to the grand oak doors to see Fred and George ride into the room on brooms. The motion of them flying past caused a rush of air to whip everyone's papers off their desks and within seconds the boys were letting off a series of fireworks. All the students jumped from their seats cheering and screaming and I quickly found Draco and Blaise's sides scowling at the pair who weren't cheering but smiles soon appeared on their faces.

The twins raced outside the room to the courtyard and everyone chased them through the corridors, it felt everything was in slow motion as I ran behind the crowd of students holding Draco's hand as we burst outside watching the twins set off bigger fireworks. Letting off their final one that was a huge 'W' they flew off into the distance and no one could ruin the happy atmosphere that consumed the crowd.

"Freddie's leaving," I said watching the twins become specks in the distance.

"I gathered that much," He said letting out a breathy laugh," Are you okay?" He stood in front of me holding my other hand in his.

"You always hated Fred why do you care?" I knew I said it too harshly when I saw him grimace.

"Yeh I didn't like the ginger bastard at times but you do Aurora...I'm not stupid I know you'll be hurting." He stated simply.

"He said he'll come back often so it's okay... plus I have you always," I smiled up at the boy, he leaned down placing a gentle kiss on my lips full of love and adoration making me almost feel whole again.

" I love you always," He whispered.

"I love you now and always."

Always / Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now