Chapter 1

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Narrator POV:

When you hear the name Aurora you will likely think about Princess Aurora who is also known as sleeping beauty. Now our Aurora does love her sleep and in the eyes of her 'family' and friends is a princess but she is not a damsel in distress who needs saving. Every Princess has a fairytale story with evil vs good and Aurora's story is similar but you will just have to read more and find out the rest.

Aurora Durmstrang was born to Emily and Stephan Durmstrang on the 1st of June 1980 and this was the most joyous occasion not only for the Durmstrangs but for their friends the Weasleys who had recently welcomed their own son to the world four months prior.

Emily who before marrying a Durmstrang went by Emily Watts was a pureblood. Her family was well of like the Malfoys but didn't quite believe in the prejudices that the Malfoys seemed to live by. Stephan on the other hand came from the descendant who created the Wizarding school Durmstrang in Bulgaria. So to say he was well off was a huge understatement yet he too didn't understand the pureblood prejudices. Emily and Stephan had met in their youths when it was their generation's Tri-Wizard tournament. Stephan who came over from Bulgaria to compete fell in love upon his first glance at Emily who sat at the Griffindor table with her friends laughing quietly. They hit it off instantly and even after the external schools left at the end of the year they continued to owl each other and visit one another in holidays. No one was surprised when the couple finally got engaged but Emily who desperately wanted to stay close to her best friends Molly and Arthur Weasley and her family had to convince Stephan to let them stay in England. A compromise was made and the pair decided to live in England but go to Bulgaria to a second little home in the holidays.

Unfortunately, in 1981 the war came to its peak and when the battle of Hogwarts took place despite the pair having a daughter at home they knew they had to fight. So they did but they paid the ultimate price and Emily who fought like a lion was killed by a ruthless death eater. When Stephan saw her cold, lifeless body lying on the rubble not a single thing could prepare him for the tsunami of emotions he would feel.

In the years which followed Stephan watched Aurora grow up alongside the Weasley children of course and every day it pained him in a way he couldn't explain to look at his daughter.  In the simplest of terms, Aurora Durmstrang looked more and more like Emily every single day beautiful and intelligent just like her mother. Too much like her mother. So when the summers and Christmas' came Stephan would take Aurora to Bulgaria to his mother and fathers where she would tend to magical creatures just like they did but Stephan would stay in his study. A break from the pain he told himself.

When the day finally came and Aurora received her Hogwarts letter he thought deeply and hours of conversation with the Weasleys later it was agreed. Aurora would attend Hogwarts and in the holidays she would go to the Burrow which really wasn't a massive difference to her life but she would go to Bulgaria to see her family for two weeks in the summer and for a few days over the Christmas period. You see Molly and Arthur understood Stephan and his pain they figured that he grieved differently unlike the Weasleys who adored seeing a mini Emily running around he simply couldn't take seeing her run around if Emily wasn't chasing behind her.

When the first day of the school year arrived Aurora wasn't even close to being nervous unlike Ron, she knew that she already had Ron in the same position as her and the twins who she seemed to have a soft spot specifically for Fred. As luck would have it Ron and Aurora would meet THE Harry Potter on the platform to the Hogwarts Express and later in the journey another quite headstrong girl called Hermione Granger who Aurora instantly loved.

A few moments before the sorting hat ceremony where Aurora would find out, she belonged in Gryffindor, Aurora, Ron, and Hermione met a platinum blond-haired boy called Draco Malfoy who didn't quite make the impression he likely intended and made an enemy or two. Yet Aurora didn't skip to hating him instantly in fact when he approached her asking who she was and telling her, " Well Aurora you have my respects being pureblood and all," she simply replied, "Well Draco I am afraid you will have to earn my respects frankly your first impression is not the best, but lucky for you I give people second chances." And it was true she did give him a second chance a few days later when she couldn't sleep she decided to make her way to the Astronomy tower. She had a lesson there earlier that day and couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful it would be at night and with not being able to sleep it seemed a perfect time. When she finally settled she was interrupted by the platinum-haired boy again who instead of sending insults her way like he had been doing to her friends sat quietly next to her for a while before offering to walk her back to the Gryffindor common room.

In the two years which followed Draco and Aurora would never plan to meet at the Astronomy tower but always seemed to be there at the same time as one another each night. Some nights they would talk about everything and anything other nights they would sit silently and occasionally Aurora would fall asleep on Draco's lap clad in his Slytherin jumper. No matter the night Draco would always walk her to the common room ensuring she didn't get caught and that she got in safely before making his own way back to his dorm. Yes, it made his journey longer but it was a gentlemanly instinct. During the days, however, Draco Malfoy would be a complete pain in the arse always making sly comments and always arguing with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Only stopping when Aurora would yell at him to do so which the trio seemed to find entertaining. Now to be clear the trio did not like Draco Malfoy and they never seemed to fully understand why Aurora became friends with him but they put up with it and that was that.

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