Chapter 27

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Aurora's POV:

(A/N: Smut warning! If you don't want to read you won't miss anything by skipping on to the next chapter that being said I hope you enjoy it if you do read on)

Draco's words had been replying in my head for the past hour while the girls were getting ready despite Slytherin winning we all wanted to get drunk. Not to celebrate but to 'drink our sorrows away' according to Ginny who was adamant that Slytherin should have been disqualified for what they did. I decided on a shorter than usual tight, black, silk dress for the party in the Slytherin common room just to mess with Draco, pairing it with black high heels which gave me an extra 3 inches. I asked Hermione to charm my hair to be pin-straight and did natural but noticeable makeup to complement it to say I felt attractive was an understatement.

Once we were all ready we grabbed our bottles of alcohol and began walking to the Slytherin common room having to be particularly careful with Finch roaming around the castle. Not one of us muttered a word as we walked listening out for Finch or any other teachers but within ten minutes we finally walked inside all letting out sighs of relief. Normally, the room would be freezing cold so cold no matter how many layers you had on it would still penetrate through due to it being the only house or room to be built under the Black Lake making for beautiful views out of the windows. Tonight however with various different students in the room from all houses it was humid and it felt like there was little oxygen in the air as a result.

My eyes darted around the room looking for familiar faces and I instantly found Fred and George with Ron and Harry near the windows drinking surrounded by most of the Gryffindors. I was surprised Fred had decided to come in the end as I shimmied my way through the crowd of dancing bodies. Ginny grabbed my hand as I guided her through the crowd and we burst through the other end smiling at everyone, Ginny let go of my hand as she went to find someone and I carried on walking to Fred who appeared mildly tipsy. Engaging in conversation with the group I slowly made my way through my fire whisky bottle, not feeling the alcohol's effect as of yet.

After about an hour Blaise and Luna ran up to either side of me and I was completely confused before they began talking," Aurora come and play Truth or Dareee," Luna exclaimed dragging out her words making me realize the pair were both very drunk," Oh, in fact, come on Fred, George, Harry, Chloe, and Ron you all better come too," She giggled listing everyone's names and everyone laughed along with the girl knowing they would likely get an ear full if they protested so they followed her to the leather couches in the center of the room.

As we approached I finally met Draco's gaze for the first time since the quidditch game he wore a long-sleeve white shirt with skinny black pants he looked good with a glass of whiskey in hand. I let my eyes wander to Pugface that sat next to him she had wrapped her arms around his arm and let her head rest on his shoulder giving me a smirk as I met her gaze. Rolling my eyes I sat across from Draco everyone else Ginny had dragged over made a circle, Fred sat on my right side and Chloe on my left side. I heard Fred mumble something under his breath and I followed his gaze to Draco, although I didn't hear exactly what he said I knew he must still be annoyed about the game and probably that Draco's letting pug face cling to him like a lost puppy.

We started off with truths all pretty boring and every time someone answered a truth we all drank just to make the game a little more interesting finishing my bottle of fire whisky I stood up going to the drinks table to grab another bottle. The alcohol hit me like a slap in the face though I wasn't drunk I felt tipsy and euphoric as I joined the group sitting next to Fred again.

"Dare." I turned my gaze to the blond boy in front of me as he looked at Theo who had just asked him which one he wanted to choose.

"I dare you to kiss Pansy for at least ten seconds and if you pass we have to mix all the drinks together in the room and you have to drink a pint of it," Theo giggled clearly too drunk to realize what he had suggested, though Draco looked unfazed. I couldn't help but let out an involuntary gasp when he turned his head to face Pansy leaning down to kiss her which she gladly accepted, my mind fogged with millions of emotions as I tipped the bottle of whisky to my lips chugging down at least half the bottle before the pair finally finished kissing.

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