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I decided to take initiative- for once with these men- and ask for all the details on the date. It took Remus awhile to fully explain things and I even got a call from Midas! He explained to me that Remus got too excited to type but was also too nervous to call me and elaborate.

I couldn't even be annoyed in the slightest. He was too cute.

To be completely honest the venue was exactly what I was expecting for a first date but it didn't exactly surprise me either. It was so in character for Remus. A bunny farm.

Of course, I was expecting something mundane like a restaurant or another trip to the festival but a bunny farm sounded almost perfect for a first date. Time in the sun, surrounded by Remus' favourite animals- but more importantly Remus- and then a small picnic! It sounded perfect.

Although it did raise questions from Josh who insisted we go shopping again because now he knew where I was going he had new ideas for the outfits I could wear. I didn't put up a fight as I was also extremely nervous and I needed a break.

"Okay so I'm thinking these?" He said, snapping me out of my thoughts and drawing my attention to the small short overalls.

"Okay, when I said 'farm' I was not thinking hillbilly." I snickered. He gave me a disapproving frown but added it to the mounting pile of clothes.

"Try and see the bigger picture, Flo! You won't be wearing just the overalls- unless you want to? I'm sure that'll be a nice surprise for whoever you're-"

"Josh!" I gasped just as I noticed the questioning gaze of an employee.

"I'm thinking maybe this baby blue gingham plaid shirt which would go well with my blue converses? Oh and a straw hat?" He brushed off.

My mind reeled at the words he just spewed. "I have no idea what the hell you just said, Joshy."

He rolled his eyes but didn't bother explaining, just holding up a nice blue shirt. I still couldn't understand what he was going for but I trusted him since he always had good taste. He handed me the overalls and I inspected them closely.

"These look a bit small, Josh." I muttered. I liked my clothing to hang off me and be a bit loose but this looked like I could barely lift my leg without ripping something.

"Yeah, that's the point. You've got the stuff, no shame in showing it off." He hummed nonchalantly with a small smile. I sputtered loudly and looked around before not-so-discreetly checking my ass.

"I do not have the stuff!" I protested as I spun in circles to try and get a good look of my own ass.

I then sat back down and sulked in the corner with a burning face. I was aware that since it came from Josh that I should be taking it as a compliment but... well dating was already such a huge step but taking about my body... well my body was off limits. Both the topic and the physical sense.

But did Remus like... well that sort of thing?

I stopped myself early. Of course he didn't. He was literally a bunny himself!

"I'm going to make you look like a sex god who also enjoys casually farming." He claimed boldly. I studied him for a second, trying to understand if he was truly serious. I was pretty sure farming wasn't considered a "part-time hobby".

"Okay, eliminate the sex god part and maybe just keep the farm boy. I like that." I snatched the tacky straw hat from his hands and tried it on. Of course I felt stupid but it also took my mind off the butterflies beginning to form. "I always thought I would make a good farmer. Florence the farmer, has a certain ring, doesn't it?"

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