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Once we reached the deck outside the cool nightly breeze was starting to come out. Mom spotted us instantly and handed us name cards. For some odd reason they had our last names. That was another thing I shared with that baboon Neil. Mom wanted to keep her last name but decided to give me dad's.

I frowned then began putting down the small cards. I got a card that read Slade, and went to place it when mom quickly snatched it from my grasp. "He's seated at the big table with the other higher-ups," she sighed before placing the card over at said table. I pursed my lips into a fine line as I noticed how tired she looked. "Hey ma," I called whilst placing the small stack of name cards on the table. She quickly turned over and went to scold me for not doing my job. "Go and get ready. Me and Josh will finish the rest." I insisted. Her eyebrows shot up and she began the list of things she still had to do. "I can't, Flo. With the influx of guests I've been all over the place and I barely have enough time to-"

I took her hand in mine and gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle. Go." I insisted. She sighed, opened and closed her mouth before huffing in defeat. She smiled then made a start for the entrance. "Such a good freaking kid.." she mumbled. I rolled my eyes and continued my work. Grandpa was also seated with the 'higher-ups' as I placed the card down. I glared at my last name giving me small flashes of memories about dad.

I sighed and went on. It wasn't long before guests started making their way to their tables and looking for their surnames. If there were families they had one name card in the middle but most had other a variety of cards.

We quickly placed the bread sticks and double checked the name cards before a wave of staff swept through. Apparently my wiped my brow from the sweat that was just now only precipitating. I sat down with Josh at our designated table and poured myself a glass of water. "Where's your surfer dude?" I asked Josh who was looking around with a hopeful look. He didn't respond.

"Hey bitches!" A familiar voice yelled. Many heads turned our way. "Liza! It's great to see you!" I greeted, standing up and hugging her. She was slightly smaller than me but she was wearing heels so we were just about the same height. I hadn't seen her in awhile since Josh and I were too busy working but she still hadn't changed one bit. Her usually wavy chestnut hair was straightened and tied in a high bun and her dark skin was gleaming and smooth.

"You look so good!" Josh gasped. She batted her eyelashes and gave us a twirl. She decided to wear a baby blue dress that tightly hugged the upper part of her body then pooled away from her waist. "I know I do." She sighed. "Joshy told me you have not one but three guys after you?" She asked, taking a seat across from me. I glared at Josh who just shrugged. "I do not have guys after me. Plus, I'm not... I'm not-" Everyone fell silent and an announcer explained what was happening and what foods were to come out first. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Liza gave me a perplexed look. "Oh! I see him!" Josh whispered-yelled. It was probably one of the only times he was willing to whisper. Liza's confused look only became before evident. "Huh? Who?" She asked. "I'm guessing his hot surfer dude showed," I explained. Her face instantly brightened. "Alright let's go!" Josh exclaimed, grabbing Liza by the arm and pulling her along. I watched them pass through the oncoming crowd, glad that I successfully avoided that topic.

There was some room to stand and mingle so those who weren't seated at the same table could at least talk without getting in someone else's way. That worked in Josh's favor as he probably had no intention on returning anytime soon.

I simply sat and sipped my water. There wasn't much to do other than wait. Mingling was an option but I was never in the mood for that. I poked and prodded my cup until who I thought was Josh sat back down. "Did you get bored that easily?" I asked, pulling on a smirk and looking up. I instantly dropped whatever traces of a smile I had. "Bored with what, hm?" He asked. It was Eurus, wearing more even more flashy and fine materials. My eyes went straight to his shiney silk shirt with embroidered patterns of flowers.

My hand flinched which nearly caused the cup to go flying. "S-Sorry- I thought you- my friend was.." I stopped myself before I could say anything more embarrassing. "Are you ever not flustered?" He asked. "I haven't seen you without that blush of yours." My face felt so hot I honestly thought I could pass out. "Y-You're seat is over there." I managed to muttered. Was that the right rhing to say?

He looked over to where I was pointing and frowned. "I'm not interested in making small talk with a bunch of people I have no time for." He sighed, brushing away his blonde locks from his face. "Didn't I say I wanted to see you? You seem far more interesting," He smiled and my heart stopped. Why was he interested in me? Suddenly there was another thunk and the whole table shook. The water in my cup threatened to spill but luckily it didn't. "Remus." Eurus acknowledged. He straightened up and his shoulders tensed. Two warlords at one table with little old me. "I came here because you were the only one I recognised, and there are far too many people." He quickly clarified before either of us could question anything. He stared at me, then down at my fidgeting hands. When did I start fidgeting?

And by 'the only person he recognised' did he mean me or Eurus? Probably Eurus.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement unlike the rest. It was subtle but I could feel gazes traveling up my spine. I turned and noticed guards, two groups with different attire. They stared at one another with hatred but didn't act on it.

It didn't occur to me that maybe some of these guards were warriors and they were standing right next to their enemies and the leaders on the opposite end of the war. This treaty business could either being forth a era of peace or could end up in more destruction.

Someone else sat down and I jumped. I had completely zoned out. The fun care-free look was completely gone form Eurus' face and a very awkward conversation had taken place. Neither of them wanted to talk to one another but it would be worse if they didn't. "Rian." Remus growled. Suddenly there a wave of tension rolled over the entire event. People were pointing and whispering, some at the three supernatruals but most were on me.

They probably had a bunch of questions reeling in their heads. Like, "Who's that boy?" And "Why did they decided to sit there and not at their own table?". "I guess we're all sitting here," Rian gritted out. He stared at me and I instantly remembered that awkward exchange we had with his Grandmother.

I sat there, completely dumbfounded. Why was this happening? Why me? I spotted Liza and Josh who had curious expressions on their faces and then my mom who looked concerned. "Florence, care to explain what's going on?" Neil asked, appearing behind me. He laid a hand on my shoulder and gave it a very tight squeeze.

I looked over my shoulder and grimaced at his tight-lipped smile. I didn't have an explanation let alone the words to form any sentences. Between the tense small talk and the hushed whispers I felt like my brain was going to melt.

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