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I woke up a couple times and always found myself in the same position: wrapped up tightly in Rian's arms and his face tucked into my stomach. There was something so calming about it that I always fell asleep right after. Sometimes I'd play with his soft locks until my eyelids felt heavy again or I'd try to wiggle free from his arms but after a couple attempts and nearly waking him up I'd just get tired again. However, when I woke up at around nine he wasn't where he was supposed to be.

It felt weird getting out of bed when I had been trapped for the last few hours but nice when I managed to stretch. I rubbed my weary eyes and felt the drowsiness of sleep wear off, just in time for the embarrassment to set in. I had no idea where Rian went by my mind instantly thought of him just waking up and heading for the door. He must have similar feelings if he left without a word. I tried not to dwell on it too much, I knew he would most likely regret it when he sobered up but I couldn't help the slow empty feeling pooling into my chest.

I wasn't left alone too long as my phone started buzzing with a call from Josh. I answered, holding it up to my ear. "Hello?" I rasped out.
"Florence! I'm glad you picked up.." Josh hummed, his voice unusually sweet. I dreaded what he was about to say next, as I predicted a unnecessary apology coming my way.

"Anyway, the Summer Festival is starting today and I was hoping if you wanted to come! We haven't gone these past few years but there's no time like the present!" I heard him cringe and curse at his last statement. "Anyway, I can properly apologise there!" He insisted and I tried my best to suppress a groan. I ended up feeling worse when he went out of his way to apologise. You don't need to apologise, Josh. We didn't have an argument." I said softly. He let out a long sigh. "At least let me by you the admission ticket. My treat," he offered. I thought about it and figured if I didn't let him he would think of something worse or more expensive. "Fine, but I'll pay you back."

He cheered loudly. "Sal and co will be there. Liza too!" He quickly added. I smiled and we chatted for awhile before he had to go and get ready for work. I said my goodbyes and hung up. The house was eerily quiet, and I decided to have a shower just to freshen up. I was just tidying up when I was startled by my bedroom door opening wide and someone stepping in. I was facing away from the door, so the nearest object- which so happened to be a heavy trophy I won at a carnival and spun around to throw it at whoever was at the door. I horribly missed, scratching the wall beside the door and beside a very shocked and angry Rian.

"Oh my god- I-I didn't know it was you! I'm so sorry!" I blurted out quickly. How long was he standing behind the door? His left eye twitched in annoyance but he didn't yell at me like I expected. "I should've knocked." He grumbled, leaving the doorway and entering my room. He turned to look at the dark scratch on my wall and scoffed. "You missed me completely. If I were a intruder you would be dead by now." He observed. My stomach dropped at the thought but my mind was already occupied with the question as to why he was here. "I thought you left?" I wondered aloud. He turned to me and shrugged. "No. I just took a piss."

My eyebrows rose at his choice of words but I didn't take him up on it. He was fully clothed again, thankfully, and sober. "Look, I just wanted to say sorry for putting you in that position last night." He sighed. Deep down I knew it probably wasn't a good sign that this was the second apology I was receiving from him in such a short span of time but I couldn't help but think it was sweet. He stuck around. "It's all good, really. Last night was fun." I brushed off. He rose one brow and looked down at me. "You don't think it was awkward?"

I thought about it, and other than when they were fighting and the bad second-hand embarrassment I received from it I didn't view it as awkward. "We slept in the same bed?" His tone was questioning. Suddenly everything felt very tense. "I-I don't see a problem with it.." I scratched the back of my neck and felt my face start tingling. He didn't press any further and I silently thanked god. Instead he looked back at the scratch on the wall, then out the door. "I managed to get to the bathroom before your.. thing found me." He muttered. I had to take a second to think about what he meant by my thing then remembered Honey. "My dog?"

His eyes shot back at me. "Yes, your dog. I don't like it. You're lucky I didn't kill it when I was drunk." He grumbled. I swallowed the lump in my throat as the image of Rian killing my dog popped up in my head. "I-I'll go make sure he's outside." I pushed passed him and downstairs while he lagged behind. I whistled for him and he trotted up to me with a a curious gaze and a titled head. I gently hooked my fingers under his collar just to make sure he didn't go after Rian. I craned my neck to face him up against the wall, just where the stairs bent. "He's a people kind of dog. He won't harm you." I reassured him but he didn't look convinced. Honey wagged his tail excitedly at the new interesting person but Rian wasn't having any of it. "I'm not a dog kind of person. I want him gone." He ordered stiffly. I turned my back on him and rolled my eyes, letting go of Honey and leading him to the back door. I let him outside where he went running after a butterfly or some other kind of bug.

I returned to Rian who had his shoes in one hand and looked ready to go. "I have a ride outside." He said while looking at the door. "I guess this is goodbye." He quickly looked back at me then shifted his gaze. "I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable last night." I hoped. That was my last intention. "No, no. You didn't." He cleared his throat.

"Anyway, bye." He said quickly then headed for the door. The door opened, he left and I was alone again.  Normally I wouldn't be phased by it but the fact that he didn't confirmation that he was ever going to talk to me again left me feeling a bit empty.

Another short one. Argh, I hope you guys can still enjoy a relatively boring chapter right after the very heated one. I promise the next few will be scalding.

Predictions and thoughts are welcomed, like always.


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