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"You're late..." Midas sung as I frantically tried to find my gift for Florence.

I had decided that I'd surprise him with a small gesture of kindness for sticking around and not leaving me but after Midas told me people don't normally give thousands of dollars as presents on a first date, I needed to think of something else.

"I-I know! Just get in the car." I grumbled just as I stumbled across his gift. I picked it up from the countertop and quickly followed Midas outside of his massive mansion.

"I think right about now would be a good time to brave your fear over driving with someone else in the car, cousin." He sounded as he threw his car door open. I wasn't going to give him the time of day as I was way too nervous to even drive myself.

"You're no longer my cousin, Midas." I said in all seriousness. "You are my driver and your job is to get us there and keep your mouth shut."

He snickered but didn't say anything further and started the car. The soft thrum of the engine put me at ease a little but the minute we started driving my nerves starting eating away at me.

Did Florence even want to go on this date? What if he didn't like the place I chose! What if he thought it was cliche- or cheesy!

What if he was only doing this to make a mockery of me?

I wanted to slap myself for that one. It felt extremely wrong and horrible of me to think of Florence like that. He wasn't like most people. He was kind, and nice and super super sweet.

"Deep in thought? I'm assuming they're about Florence and I must ask to keep them pg-related-"

"Shut up, Midas! You're not helping my nerves." I cried out, shifting in my seat. I hoped to god Florence wouldn't be able to see what a mess I was. This was supposed to be a date. From what I've heard, you're supposed to act confident. At least that's what Midas has told me.

I clutched the giant teddy bear tighter to my chest in hopes that it would calm me down. It was Florence's gift but that didn't mean I couldn't use it.

"Are you sure he's the type to like.... overly stuffed bears?" He asked wearily. I hid half my face in the bears back, glaring up at him.

"Yes." Was all I grumbled. He didn't inquire any further and only focused on the road.

I figured this was the perfect gift for Florence. I remembered how fondly he spoke of it and how excited and giddy he was when we got it for him so it was only natural. Of course, it didn't fail to remind me of how he walked away that day, or how we didn't speak for weeks, but I was sure seeing him squeal from the gift would rid my mind of that horrible memory.

Midas interrupted my thoughts with a loud sigh then turned the radio up. He gasped when he the next song was announced, startling me.

"Oh. My. God!" He shouted, bouncing in his seat. I was scared he was going to drive us into a ditch.

"You have to sing along, Remus! It's our song!" He squealed excitedly. My frown deepened as I listened in and a physical pain formed in my chest.

It was Barbie Girl. Midas' favourite song was Barbie Girl. By Aqua.

"No, no, no!" I groaned, plugging my eyes just as he began turning the volume up more and more.

"This rides a long one! Think of it as payment too!" He pointed out, already humming to the music. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?"

I groaned. I'd rather not listen to Midas sing his heart out to this song but he was right. This was a long ride. Plus, it would take my mind off the date and help ease my nerves.

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