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Another, long week went by and everything still felt so... wrong. It was hard to explain but basically nothing felt right. I didn't feel like getting shit-faced when the old hag became too much for me, I didn't avoid work, I buried myself in it. Every time I caught a glance at Remus down the hall I didn't feel this heart-clenching ache to rip out his throat. Everything was off!

I even started looking into the rotations for my guards. I would've normally been checking up on my old friends but the calamity that was this business trip had shoved itself in my face leaving no room for other importances. I noticed that things were out of place, checkpoints weren't being rotated between and clock-on times were off by a landslide. About a handful of my guards had clocked-on around their late shifts but never clocked-off. I found it strange that they would be so careless to never clock-off or check in with other guards. Normally they would complete their jobs, no questions asked.

However, I didn't have time to set things straight as I was on my way to another one of these stupid meetings. When I wasn't being bossed around by my father or busy intercepting Florence's life I was in here, sitting at a table with my worst enemies and getting nowhere with this treaty. Now, thanks to Florence, I understood why.

However, now that I was sitting here things still felt off. Things were... silent. Eurus hadn't showed up which made his two advisors basically shake in their boots while Remus and I sat still as statues, every now and then conversing with our advisors. I didn't like the silence. I wasn't used to it.

Normally we would be yelling or have our advisors yell for us. We would usually glare at each with matched hatred or sit back and imagine the other's death. At least, that's what I did. But now that we were here, we did nothing. Not one single glare, not a threatening pick-up of a pen. Absolute jack-shit.

"So, since Meade doesn't look like he's going to show we'll just move ahead." One of the members from the Human High Order cut through the silence. I wanted to groan obnoxiously and show my boredom but I somehow felt like it wasn't the right time. This atmosphere was fucking killing my mood.

"It's been weeks and we still haven't come up with an arrangement that all three tribes find suitable." He dragged on, placing various folders onto the round table. "We only a have a few options left, and among those few options we were advised that only one would be the most likely,"

I was bored already.

I snuck a glance at Remus who looked almost as bored as I did. However, he did take to scribbling something in the notepads we were provided. I let the old bat ramble on while I tried to zero in on what Remus was doing. I thought at first he was writing something to his advisor but on further inspection I made out a face. He was drawing? Whatever it was it wasn't human as the only thing that was distinguishable from the mess was two long ears and a small nose.

"-along with the portions of land, the council is willing to surrender more than fifty percent of Miradel's resources. These, of course, coming from the mainland and the Royal Union." The last bit caught my attention and judging by the way Remus tensed he was paying attention too.

I looked at the just to see if he was truly serious. It sounded like a stupid deal on their end. Why would they give up more than half of their resources, their funding! Were they really that desperate to end this war? Would all of them willingly go along with this plan?

I felt the need to say no almost instantly but not because the plan was stupid and wouldn't satisfy anybody. There were other... underlying issues with this.

There was a weird moment where Remus and I held eye contact for more than two seconds and without any growls. No resentment, no hatred- nothing! Just a weird look of... worry.

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