Side Story 2

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"Just take my hand and-" I started but was quickly cut off when Eurus starting yelling.

"He's trying to fucking drown me!" He hollered as I watched and sunk further into the water just out of pure embarrassment. Thank god Midas allowed us to use his pool.

Rian originally held Eurus' hand but when he started kicking he freaked out and latched onto his arm, pulling Eurus under the surface. The two flailed around as each tried to find their footing and tried stabilising themselves with the help of each other but ended up pushing each other either away or down.

"I'll fucking drown you if you don't stay still!" Rian threatened but there was a certain waver to his voice.

"Guys, enough! You'll both drown if you don't stop," I grumbled, quickly paddling over to Rian and taking him by his shoulders. "Here, try and float on your back." I encouraged, playfully kneeing him on his tailbone. He tensed before laying back onto me and applying all of his weight. If it weren't for the water I probably would've been crushed.

"If you push my under I swear-"

"Shut it, Rian! Just relax!"

He grumbled something under his breath but relaxed anyways, his shoulders relaxing slightly as he began to float on the surface. I moved my hands from his shoulders to his back and helped him slightly. He closed his eyes, presumably focusing on floating.

Something stirred inside me as I gazed down onto his face and watched him completely let go of everything and calm himself. I somewhat got lost, tracing his sculpted features and watching as his eyelashes fanned his face with every small flutter.

Was I being creepy?

"You look so stupid," Eurus snickered and suddenly the quiet was disrupted. Rian opened one eye and instead of threatening Eurus he began laughing, his body shaking in my arms with every sweet chuckle.

"Well I feel stupid!" he said between laughs. I couldn't even be mad at them for disrupting this because they were laughing, and that was far better than them attacking each other. I would take this over anything.

"If only I had a camera..." Eurus sighed.

Rian decided to get up and kick his way to a shallower area. "I'm fucking starving. When's Remus getting back with the food?" He groaned as he heaved himself out of the pool and began drying his hair.

I felt myself checking him out and, naturally, my cheeks began to feel tingly and warm so to shield myself from pure embarrassment I ducked under, my eyes the only thing above the surface.

I shouldn't be doing this but I was sort of fascinated by his muscular physique.

He tied his hair up and placed his hands on his hips.

"So you're giving up?" Eurus asked hopefully. "I don't want to stay in too long. I don't look too good pruned." He held up his hand and examined each finger carefully. The only sign of my scoff were the bubbles that flew out of my mouth.

"I'm not giving up! I-I'm just starving." He grumbled. He began drying himself off while I calmed myself down and Eurus still examining himself.

I carefully looked around the large room and marvelled at the expanse of it. The ceiling was raised high above our heads and held murals of.. dragons. There were large arched windows, almost reaching the roof and giving us a beautiful view of the surrounding woods. Potted plants lined the room which also gave the room and earthy vibe. Then my eyes landed on a small door not too far from Rian.

"Midas said he had a pool house." I recalled, my voice echoing around the room. "He also said he had pool toys, but more importantly, floaties!"

They all gave me quizzical looks. God, they must have boring lives.

"Rian could you please go check?" I asked innocently. He scoffed and, of course, rolled his eyes but didn't argue back. After some rummaging he stepped back out with a very deflated duck floaty.

"Are you planning on using this to drown Eurus, orrrr...?" He laughed, holding it up. My eyes widened in surprise as I realised just how big it was.

"Blow it up! Blow it up!"

Rian gave me one last quizzical look before casting his gaze onto the floaty. My smile remained... until I smelt the unmistakable scent of burning plastic.

Initial hope turned into horror as I watched Rian melt the duck into a murky yellow puddle, effectively destroying the pool toy and filling the pool room with fumes.

"What the hell?!" I yelled, mouth hanging open in shock.

Rian frowned and pursed his lips. "What? You said to blow it up!" He argued. As the last bits of melted plastic dripped off his red-hot hand Eurus erupted into laughter.

I was completely taken aback. "How does 'blow it up' translate to 'melt the fuck out of it'?!"

"I don't know, Florence! Your human slang is sooo confusing!"

Before I could further our argument the entrance doors slammed open, revealing a confused Remus and a very distraught Midas. Josh peeked over his shoulder, sliding his sunglasses up and strutting over.

"Oh cool, are we melting things?" Josh asked as he placed the stack of pizza boxes on the table. Remus helped him, placing the many bottles of fizzy drink alongside the food.

Midas' demeanour was the complete opposite of Josh's. He was scanning the room as if it were on fire. I couldn't blame him. It certainly smelt like it.

"Wicker!" He called. Rian went stiff and blushed. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

Rian turned to me and a smirk appeared. Oh no.

"Florence dared me to melt your silly duck." He lied, causing not only me to gasp but nearly everyone else in the room.

I stammered, unable to even defend myself over that stupid smile he was giving me. How rude!

"No!" Midas gasped as if this was some totally shocking news. You'd think I'd asked him to kill someone.

"Oh you best believe it, Midas. Florence here is a real menace." Eurus chimed in, splashing my back. I gave him a look of betrayal as a blush creeped up my neck. Why were they targeting me?!

I looked to probably the only person who'd vouch for me. "You don't believe them do you, Remus?" I pleaded. I put on the saddest pout I could, just to secure myself a supporter.

"I don't know," He started, taking a big bite of a slice. "You do like to... melt lots of things."

My mouth hung open in disbelief. Really? Even Remus was joining in?!

Instead of defending myself I realised my inevitable demise. This fight was a one I wasn't going to win. Instead I splashed Eurus right in the eyes and climbed the ladder. Josh met me at my side as I grabbed on of the pizza boxes and a drink.

"Don't worry, Flo," Josh started, lightly punching my shoulder. "You wouldn't even fart on a fly, let alone melt a duck."

I scrunched my nose up in disgust. Leave it to Josh to make to weirdest analogies.

"Gee, thanks Josh." I deadpanned. "Let's just go eat this pizza.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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